Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2019 Valparaiso Art Festival

Artist List and Booth Numbers
Rita Anthony
Booth 301
Hailmanot Asfaw & Andrew Gamble
Booth 225
Ruby Ballard-Harris
Booth 313
Stacy Benesh & Janet Wielbrenner
Booth 302
John Blowers
Booth 300
Olga Boldyreva & Iulian Nedelea
Booth 133
Mariko Brown
Booth 224
Chuck Bruce & Micah Kirby
Booth 318
Chris Carson
Booth 213
Jun Cho
Booth 111
Kathleen Clausen
Booth 209
Heather Connors
Booth 116
Eddie Cortes
Booth 221
Rene Dipaola
Booth 138
Alli Farkas
Booth 306
Anthony Ficarra & Misty Mercer
Booth 308
Jess Good
Booth 219
Jackie Gray
Booth 320
Christine Greco-Klauba
Booth 319
Rhonda Guthrie
Booth 315
Linde Hansen-Lukas & Joseph Lukas
Booth 212
Randall Harden
Booth 136
William Hottinger
Booth 322
Andrew Huff
Booth 121
Mat Hutchins
Booth 114
BJ & Greg Jordan
Booth 124
Erin Kennealy
Booth 127
Seung Jae Kim
Booth 303
Ryan Lapeer
Booth 307
Dave Lee
Booth 115
Mengxi Li & Jordan Reznicek
Booth 206
Danielle & Richard Lynch
Booth 120
Brett Maniscalco
Booth 139
Ryan Matway & Sandra Boonberg
Booth 113
Marie Miklaszewski
Booth 114
Heather Miles
Booth 312
Dinah Miller
Booth 314
Jose Muenala Anguaya
Booth 200
Michael Nastepniak
Booth 203
Ken Orton
Booth 230
Joel Pisowicz
Booth 231/233
Henry Poppe
Booth 218
Tom O. Reed
Booth 131
Thomas Sanders
Booth 207
John & Nancy Scheele
Booth 130
April Sepich
Booth 220
Candice Sexton
Booth 202
Booth 226
Tracy Tauber
Booth 137
Emilie Trent
Booth 215
Debbie Van Gorp
Booth 125
Rosie Wilhelm
Booth 208
Liying Zhang
Booth 132
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
301 Anthony Rita
225 & Andrew Gamble Hailmanot Asfaw Jewelry: Metals
313 Ballard-Harris Ruby
302 Janet Wielbrenner Stacy Benesh & 3D NON FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
300 Blowers John Painting: Acrylic Paint
133 Iulian Nedelea Olga Boldyreva & 3D Functional: Mixed Media
224 Brown Mariko
318 Bruce & Kirby Chuck & Micah
213 Carson Chris
118 Chevli Rita Jewelry: Metals
111 Cho Jun
209 Clausen Kathleen JEWELRY: GOLD AND SILVER
116 Connors Heather
221 Cortes Eddie
138 Dipaola Rene
126 Driscoll Jessie & Dan Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
306 Farkas Alli Painting: Oil Paint
308 Misty Mercer Anthony Ficarra &
219 Good Jess
320 Gray Jackie 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
319 Greco-Klauba Christine Jewelry Maker & Designer
315 Guthrie Rhonda
212 Hansen-Lukas & Lukas Linde & Joe
136 Harden Randall
322 Hottinger William Photo black and white and color
121 Huff Andrew
114 Hutchins Mat
124 Jordan BJ & Greg Jewelry: Mixed Media
127 Kennealy Erin 2D: Mixed Media
303 Kim Seung Jae Photo black and white
309 Lahvic Kevin Painting: Mixed Media
307 Lapeer Ryan 2D: Mixed Media
115 Lee Dave 3d non functional: glass
206 Reznicek Mengxi Li & Jordan 3d functional: leather
120 Lynch Danielle Jewelry: Mixed Media
139 Maniscalco Brett
113 Sandra Boonberg Ryan Matway &
114 Miklaszewski Marie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
312 Miles Heather
200 Muenala Anguaya Jose Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
203 Nastepniak Michael
214 Nyanhongo Gedion 3D Non-Functional: Stone
230 Orton Ken
231/233 Pisowicz Joel 3D Functional: Ceramics
218 Poppe Henry
131 Reed Tom O.
207 Sanders Thomas Photo color
201 Scales Jill 3D Functional: Fiber
130 Scheele John & Nancy
220 Sepich April 3D Functional: Mixed Media
202 Sexton Candice
226 Sobanski Greg 3D Functional: Mixed Media
137 Tauber Tracy
215 Trent Emilie Painting: Acrylic Paint
125 Van Gorp Debbie
208 Wilhelm Rosie Painting: Oil Paint
132 Zhang Liying