Category: Blog
Park, Kyoung-Joa Park & Gon
Artist Statement
Thick rayon fibers cotton and wool yarns are hand knotted a continuous pattern following and creating s flower knot. These continuous flower knots are sewn to be held in place forming a scarf necklace. Another scarf necklace is made by crocheting the rayon cotton… Read more
Radtke, Steve & Beth
Artist Statement
Our work is collaboration of a deep respect for nature a child-like sense of wonder and passion to create. Our gourds are organically grown on farms from California to Georgia. The design process reflects the natural patterns of nature; both its graceful shapes and… Read more
Rego-sharpe, Rosalyn
Artist StatementMy work is an on going journey continuing to grow and change. I have been making and creating jewelry for going on 33 years time seems to fly. There have been two master craftsmen that have inspired and educated me on many techniques they… Read more
Blowers, John
Artist Statement
The forms in my paintings draw from architecture music and nature. My methods are unconventional allowing for the piece to develop in concert with me as I respond to what is happening throughout the painting process. Art speaks to us from beyond the limits… Read more
Frank, David
Artist StatementCreatures of habit we move through our days reliant on visual shorthand. We see so little of what there is to see and most of that gets dismissed as soon as we put a name to it. We subject the visual to the tyranny… Read more
Vincent, David
Artist Statement
As a nature photographer I look to capture and create light color contrast form pattern and movement from unique perspectives. I strive to show the beauty of a place youve never been and a new perspective on the familiar. I am a post-film photographer… Read more
Easley, Jeff
Artist Statement
All designs are original. Traditional joinery and construction techniques are incorporated using non-endangered woods chosen for their natural colors. All surfaces are hand polished to 0000 steel wool followed by a hand rubbed finish of tung oil and danish oil.
Downtown Downers Grove Art Festival, Lincolnshire… Read more
Richards, Jill Kerns & Candyce
Artist Statement
I grew up the daughter of an antique collector/ antique mall owner so at an early age I was very reluctantly thrust into the world of antiques and collectibles while working for my mother. While my major in college was history I never dreamed… Read more
Koon, Jeffrey Van Der
Artist Statement
Photographers are often either hunters or farmers. However Im frankly a bit of both. As a hunter Ive had the fortune to travel North America and parts of the world camera in hand chasing the light from place to place. When I find a… Read more