Artist Statement
Life is complicated. I love complicated. I hate complicated. The work I create follows two paths each influenced by that love/hate relationship. Is the nonstop noise communication data and visual input in our everyday lives simply a fact of life in the 21st century? Or is some of it unnecessary unedited and overwhelming? The first path seeks to soothe the overload by focusing on simple designs and organic shapes. These pieces find the calm in the chaos that surrounds us. They explore our wasteful nature but in a way that captures beauty in society’s castoffs. The second path exploits the complex. This work reflects and mocks complexity particularly gratuitous complexity. Unbridled complexity can easily lead to chaos and so gratuitous complexity could possibly be considered the eighth deadly sin. Perhaps I dont actually love complexity at all. Maybe Ive just developed two different strategies to deal with the chaotic complexity our world.
Booth Numbers
Third Ward Art Festival: 24
Evanston Art & Big Fork Festival: 61