2021 Northbrook Art in the Park Artist List

See and Shop from the Artists Below!

Booth numbers are subject to change.

Amos Amit
Booth 45
Brooke Minton
Booth 11
Michael Benstein
Booth 104
John Blowers
Booth 59
Myra Burg & Liz Cummings
Booth 102 Shop Now
Silks by Tonya Butcher
Booth 4
Diane Chyler
Booth 100
Pamela England & Frank Borelli
Booth 55
Wendy Franklin
Booth 92
Mike Gibson
Booth 37
Jan & Mike Gussin
Booth 20
Luis Enrique Gutierrez
Booth 7
David Hall
Booth 62
Heather Hambrecht
Booth TBD
Ali Hasmut
Booth 109
Karen Heuton
Booth 54
Kelly Jacobson
Booth 108
Rebecca Kay
Booth 58
David Kiley
Booth 48
Seung Jae Kim
Booth 98
Richard Kolb
Booth 13
Beau Lasiewicz
Booth 56
Kara Lasiewicz
Booth 56
Joan Marhula
Booth 22
Igor Menaker
Booth 103
Josh Merrill
Booth 26
Joan Michlin & Skip Ennis
Booth 51
Abby Miller
Booth 49
Suzanne Miller & Nikki Cooper
Booth 70
Robin Nathan
Booth 61
Jolanta Nawrocka
Booth 101
Deborah O’Brien
Booth 68
Christina Plichta
Booth 18
Arthur Ragauskas & Vilma Birbilaite
Booth 8
Michael Rotsch
Booth 38
Noah Sanders
Booth 34
Mari Schultz
Booth 57
Sam Seigel & Anthony Patti
Booth 27/28 Shop Now
Petty Shepard & Mary Otieno
Booth 15
Thomas Siciliano
Booth 43
Gracelynn & Ike Tamrak
Booth 10
Danilo Vinardell & Igris Morales
Booth 9 Shop Now
Rhiannon Willard
Booth 12
Ari & Yuliya Wolf
Booth 67
Booth #Last NameFirst NameArtShop
24 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
45 Amit Amos 2D: Batik
11 Minton Brooke 3D Functional: Stone
17 Belokurova Maria Jewelry: Mixed Media
105 Benstein Barbara 2D: Pastel
104 Benstein Michael 2D: Wood
59 Blowers John Painting: Acrylic Paint
2 Brown Michael 2D: Print Making
102 Liz Cummings Myra Burg & 3D NON FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
3 Butcher Tonya Jewelry: Metals
4 Butcher Tonya 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
100 Chyler Diane 3D Functional: Mixed Media
55 Frank Borelli Pamela England & 3D Functional: Leather
23 Forst Beth Painting: Oil Paint
92 Franklin Wendy PAINTING: OIL PAINT
37 Gibson Mike Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
20 Gussin Jan & Mike Jewelry: Glass
7 Gutierrez Luis Enrique 3D Non Functional: Ceramics
62 Hall David Photography: Color
64/65 Halvorsen Kenneth PAINTING: OIL PAINT
TBD Hambrecht Heather 3D Functional: Leather
44 Hammel Howard & Lori Photography: Color
109 Hasmut Ali Painting: Oil Paint
110 Hersch Mark Photography: Color & Black & White
54 Heuton Karen Painting: Acrylic Paint
21 Horn Dale And Gail Horn Photography: Color
108 Jacobson Kelly Jewelry: Metals
58 Kay Rebecca 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
48 Kiley David Photo: Color
98 Kim Seung Jae Photo black and white
13 Kolb Richard 3D NON FUNCTIONAL: Metal
56 Lasiewicz Beau 3d functional: wood
56 Lasiewicz Kara PAINTING: OIL PAINT
41 Lawler Shelly Photo: color
50 Lee Eric 2D: Digital
22 Marhula Joan 2D: Mixed Media
47 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
97 Mason Barb Jewelry: Mixed Media
103 Menaker Igor Photo: black and white
26 Merrill Josh Photo black and white and color
51 MICHLIN JOAN Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
49 Miller Abby Painting & Jewelry: Mixed Media
96 Fung Miller Charlotte 2D: WATERCOLOR
70 Nikki Cooper Suzanne Miller & 3D Non Functional: Mixed Media
61 Nathan Robin Jewelry Designer: Metals
101 Nawrocka Jolanta
42 Papaioannou Sheila Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
18 Plichta Christina Painting: Oil Paint
8 RAGAUSKAS ARTHUR Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
1 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
6 Ruiz Leon 2D: Acrylic Paint
34 Sanders Noah 2D: Mixed Media
95 Schubert David PAINTING: OIL PAINT
57 Schultz Mari
69 Sechin Andrew 2D: Mixed Media
27/28 Anthony Patti Sam Seigel & 3D Functional: Metals
15 Mary Otieno Petty Shepard & 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
43 Siciliano Thomas 2D: PAPER
107 Sorenson Al Painting: Acrylic Paint
106 Stoltz Ravit Jewelry: Mixed Media
10 Tamrak Gracelynn & Ike 3D NON FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
9 Igris Morales Danilo Vinardell & PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
19 Waddington Elizabeth 2D: Watercolor
66 Weinreb Barbara Jewelry: Metals
46 Wilbat James 3D Non-Functional: Glass
12 Willard Rhiannon
67 Wolf Ari & Yuliya 3d functional: leather