Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2021 Port Clinton Art Festival

Artist List & Booth Numbers
David Abrahamson
Booth 608
Glenna Adkins
Booth 318
R. L. Alexander
Booth 217
Joanna Alot-Ciecholewski
Booth 103
Joel Anderson
Booth 611
Jennifer Ardolino
Booth 411
Andrew Arkell
Booth 420
Booth 317
Stephen Baldauf
Booth 601
Eric Beauchamp
Booth 235
Victoria Bekerman
Booth 621
Christopher Belleau
Booth 436
Suzanne Bellows
Booth 221
Sher Berman
Booth 203
Chelsea Bird
Booth 422
Bozenna & Lukasz Bogucka
Booth 355
Bouzon Muxo Fine Art: Gina Muxo Ramos & Orestes Bouzon
Booth 208
George Bragg
Booth 413
Kwang Cha Brown
Booth 219
Myra Burg & Liz Cummings
Booth 326 Shop Now
Lee Burstein
Booth 343
Erika Bushee
Booth 502.5
Silks by Tonya Butcher
Booth 614
Camille Carr
Booth 414
Soo Chang
Booth 616
Tom Clements
Booth 533/535
Rich Conti
Booth 237
Stella Coupe
Booth 410
Venus Cramer
Booth 516
Allison Crary
Booth 613
Janice Czerwinski
Booth 240
James Alton Deans III
Booth 442
Loura & Gregg Dobbs
Booth 624
Christopher Doherty
Booth 430
David Epps
Booth 308
Shelley Evans
Booth 418
Paul Farmer
Booth 401
Micah Felch
Booth 210
Patricio Ferreira
Booth 521/523
Mckenzie Fisk
Booth 513/515
Pam Fox
Booth 402
Wendy Franklin
Booth 356
Erin Garrity-Duffey
Booth 359
Carolina Garzon & Miguel Cardenas
Booth 101 Shop Now
Mark Gates
Booth 417
Melissa Gates
Booth 419
David Gordon
Booth 108/110
Jermey & Chelsea Griffith
Booth 514
Luis Enrique Gutierrez
Booth 218
C A & Nina Harris
Booth 428
Daryl Harwood
Booth 415
Ali Hasmut
Booth 510
Elizabeth Holliday
Booth 213
Mina Hsing
Booth 230
Vasil Ivanov
Booth 336
Peter Jablokow
Booth 323
Nicario Jimenez
Booth 503
JJ Johansen
Booth 500.5
Leslie Kaplan
Booth 234
Jacob Keleher
Booth 310
Kenneth Kudulis
Booth 116/118
James LaCasse
Booth 506/508
Jennifer Lashbrook
Booth 102
Heather Layton
Booth 104
Dave Lee
Booth 435
Tina Leto
Booth 238
Henry Levine
Booth 205
Allen Levy
Booth 314
Oscar Matos Linares
Booth 121
Mark Lisota
Booth 505/507
Gary Love
Booth 520
Tyler MacDonald
Booth 522/524
Mark Mackinnon
Booth 324
Joan Marhula
Booth 509/511
Ancizar Marin
Booth 309/311
Scott Matyjaszek
Booth 432
William McCarthy
Booth 605
Jim & Karen McCollum
Booth 427
Stephanie McDairmant
Booth 527
Haylee McFarland
Booth 325
Justin & Melanie Mckenney
Booth 347 Shop Now
David Melnick
Booth 615/617
Igor Menaker
Booth 607
Josh Merrill
Booth 321
Joan Michlin & Skip Ennis
Booth 227
Renata Mikota
Booth 406
Annie Mohaupt & Justin Walker
Booth 407
Andrew Mosedale
Booth 315
Brian Murphy
Booth 619
Rachael Newman
Booth 120
A Cesar Noguiera
Booth 339/341
Bill O’Meara
Booth 531
Jackson Ocheltree
Booth 342.5
Liliana Olmos
Booth 532
Darren Olson
Booth 424/426
Scott Olson
Booth 602
Armando Pedroso
Booth 351
Tim Peters
Booth 106
Sally Phillips
Booth 416
Reza Pishgahi
Booth 405
Randy & Kitsana Polk
Booth 425
Steven Potts
Booth 600
Arthur Ragauskas & Vilma Birbilaite
Booth 408
Ralph Rankin
Booth 537/539
Agnes Rathonyi
Booth 603
Gwendolyn Redfern
Booth 127
Ken Reif
Booth 626/628
Bruce Reinfeld
Booth 538
Mengxi Li & Jordan Reznicek
Booth 112/114
Nicholas Ricaurte
Booth 530
Neshama Roash
Booth 211
Roy & Vivian Rodriguez
Booth 436
Dale Rogers
Booth 223
Jonathan Rose
Booth 126/128
Michael Rotsch
Booth 526
Victoria Rubinstein
Booth 124
Shekina Rudoy
Booth 327
Carol Ryan
Booth 421
Sher Schier
Booth 115
Babs Schnabl
Booth 353
Andrew Shea
Booth 342
Melissa Shuttlesworth
Booth 305
Ezra Siegel
Booth 216
Paz Sintes
Booth 525
Woody & Judy Smith
Booth 107
Sebastian Sparenga
Booth 231
Kyle Spears
Booth 357
Sarella Suarez
Booth 328/330
Bryon Sutherland
Booth 350
Howard Tatar
Booth 502
Emre Tekeli & Ayse Ersin
Booth 534
Alla Tsank
Booth 243
Izida Valatka
Booth 403
Melynda Van Zee
Booth 529
Ronald Vieceli
Booth 604
Danilo Vinardell & Igris Morales
Booth 349 Shop Now
GM Webb
Booth 348
Felton Weller
Booth 518
Stephanie Wheat
Booth 319
Bradly Williams
Booth 536
Lisa Williams
Booth 412
W Scott Wilson
Booth 313
Anne Wooster & Steven Peaslee
Booth 212
Lidia Wylangowska
Booth 354
Jerry & Elaine Yang
Booth 236
Michael Zavison & Melanie Rolfes
Booth 301
Booth #Last NameFirst NameArtShop
608 Abrahamson David Painting: Acrylic Paint
318 Adkins Glenna 2D: Mixed Media
207 Alboher Lea 2D: Digital
217 Alexander R. L. Painting: Oil Paint
622 Allison Diane Jewelry: glass
103 Alot-Ciecholewski Joanna 3D Functional: Fiber
611 Anderson Joel 2D: Mixed Media
411 Ardolino Jennifer 2D: Watercolor
317 Armstrong Deborah Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
601 BALDAUF STEPHEN 2D: Mixed Media
122 Bank Carla Painting: Acrylic Resin
235 Beauchamp Eric 2D: Wood
621 Bekerman Victoria Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
436 Belleau Christopher 3D Non Functional: Glass
221 BELLOWS SUZANNE Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
241 Benstein Barbara 2D: Pastel
203 Berman Sher Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
540 Bernhardt Justin PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
422 Bird Chelsea Jewelry: Gold/Silver
355 Bogucka Bozenna & Lukasz 3D FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
208 Bouzon Muxo Fine Art Bouzon Muxo Fine Art: Gina Muxo Ramos & Orestes Bouzon 2D: MIXED MEDIA
413 Bragg George 2d: MIXED MEDIA
219 Brown Kwang Cha Painting: Oil Paint
434 Brown Michael 2D: Print Making
326 Liz Cummings Myra Burg & 3D NON FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
343 Burstein Lee 2D: Mixed Media
502.5 Bushee Erika
612 Butcher Tonya Jewelry: Metals
614 Butcher Tonya 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
352 Bux Anthony 3D Functional: Ceramic
414 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
616 Chang Soo Painting: Acrylic Paint
533/535 Clements Tom Photo: Black and White and Color
237 Conti Rich 3D Functional: Wood
410 Coupe Stella 2D: MIXED MEDIA
516 Cramer Venus Jewelry: Gold and/or Silver
613 Crary Allison PAINTING: OIL PAINT
240 Czerwinski Janice PAINTING: OIL PAINT
303 Dahlstrom Dick 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
204 Delgado Lilian Painting: Oil Paint
517 Dennison Jd Photo color
624 Dobbs Loura & Gregg 3d non functional: metal
430 Doherty Christopher Photo: Color
409 Emery Leslie 2D: Acrylic Resin
308 Epps David Photography: Color & Black & White
401 Farmer Paul Jewelry: Gold/Silver
521/523 Ferreira Patricio Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
500 Fischer Val Painting: Acrylic Paint
513/515 Fisk Mckenzie PAINTING: OIL PAINT
402 Fox Pam Jewelry Maker: Gold and/or Silver
356 Franklin Wendy PAINTING: OIL PAINT
101 Miguel Cardenas Carolina Garzon & Painting: Mixed Media
108/110 Gordon David Painting: Oil Paint
514 GRIFFITH JEREMY 3D Functional: Glass
358/360 Grimmer Alex 2D: Mixed Media
218 Gutierrez Luis Enrique 3D Non Functional: Ceramics
241 Hamilton Pam Painting: Acrylic Paint
345 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
428 Harris C A and Nina 3D Functional: Leather
415 Harwood Daryl 2D: MIXED MEDIA
510 Hasmut Ali Painting: Oil Paint
111 Hersch Mark Photography: Color & Black & White
519 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
213 Holliday Elizabeth 3D Functional: Fiber
230 Hsing Mina 2D: Mixed Media
336 Ivanov Vasil 3D Non Functional: Glass
323 Jablokow Peter 2D: Watercolor
224 Jackson Victoria PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
503 Jimenez Nicario
500.5 JOHANSEN JESPER Photo color
200/202 Johnston Mary Painting: Oil Paint
338/340 Jones Darren 2D: Mixed Media
226/228 Kadmiri Aziz PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
234 Kaplan Leslie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
310 Keleher Jacob Jewelry: Gold and Silver
609 Kline Elizabeth Jewelry: Metals
312 Krawez Gina 2D: Acrylic Paint
116/118 Kudulis Kenneth Painting: Acrylic Paint
506/508 LaCasse James 3D NON FUNCTIONAL: METALS
102 Lashbrook Jennifer 2D: Paper
304/306 Lawler Shelly Photo: color
104 Layton Heather 2D: MIXED MEDIA
435 Lee Dave 3d non functional: glass
610 Lee Eric 2D: Digital
238 Leto Tina Photo: Black and White
205 Levine Henry 2D: Glass
314 Levy Allen Painting: Acrylic Paint
121 Linares Oscar Matos Photography: Color
505/507 Lisota Mark JEWELRY: GOLD AND SILVER
520 Love Gary Photo: Color
239 Luciano Zsuzsanna Photography: Color
522/524 MacDonald Tyler 3d functional: wood
324 Mackinnon Mark Photo: Color
509/511 Marhula Joan 2D: Mixed Media
309/311 Marin Ancizar 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
346 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
201 Mason Barb Jewelry: Mixed Media
512 Mason Dorothy Painting: Mixed Media
432 Matyjaszek Scott 2D: Mixed Media
605 MCCARTHY WILLIAM Painting: Oil Paint
427 Mccollum Jim & Karen Photo black and white and color
527 McDairmant Stephanie PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
325 McFarland Haylee 2D: DRAWING
347 Mckenney Justin 3D Functional: Ceramics
615/617 Melnick David Jewelry: Gold/Silver
607 Menaker Igor Photo: black and white
109 Mensa-Aborampa Kwame EMERGING ARTIST: PAINTING
321 Merrill Josh Photo black and white and color
227 MICHLIN JOAN Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
406 Mikota Renata Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
407 Mohaupt & Walker Annie & Justin
206 Monroe Janine 2D: Mixed Media
315 Mosedale Andrew 2D: Digital
619 MURPHY BRIAN Painting: Oil Paint
222 Musick-Makely Meg 3D Functional: Leather
105 Nehring Robert 3D Non-Functional: Metals
120 Newman Rachael PAINTING: OIL PAINT
339/341 Nogueira A. Cesar 3D Non Functional: Stone
501 Nuez Xavier Photo color
117/119 O'Truk Katherine EMERGING ARTIST: PAINTING
342.5 Ocheltree Jackson 3D Non-Functional: Glass
440 Oleski David Painting: Oil Paint
532 Olmos Liliana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
424/426 Olson Darren Photo color
602 Olson Scott 2D: Mixed Media
100 Papaioannou Sheila Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
232 Parisi Nicole Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
351 Pedroso Armando 2D: MIXED MEDIA
106 Peters Tim 3d functional: ceramics
416 Phillips Sally 2D: Metals
405 Pishgahi Reza 3D Non Functional: Glass
425 Polk Randy Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
600 Potts Steven 2D: Wood
408 RAGAUSKAS ARTHUR Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
537/539 Rankin Ralph 2D: Digital
603 Rathonyi Agnes 2D: Mixed Media
127 Redfern Gwendolyn 2D: Watercolor
542/544 Reed Aaron 2D: Drawing
307 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
626/628 Reif Ken Painting: Oil Paint
538 Reinfeld Bruce Photo black and white and color
112/114 Reznicek Mengxi Li & Jordan 3d functional: leather
530 Ricaurte Nicholas 3d non functional: metal
211 Roash Neshama Photography: Color
436 Rodriguez Roy 2D: Mixed Media
223 Rogers Dale 3d non functional: metals
126/128 Rose Jonathan
123/125 Rosengard Sue Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
124 Rubinstein Victoria 3D NON FUNCTIONAL: ceramics
327 Rudoy Shekina 3D Functional: Fiber
329 Ruiz Leon 2D: Acrylic Paint
209 Rujuwa Peter 3D Non-Functional: Stone
421 Ryan Carol 2D: Acrylic Resin
528 Sauvageau Eric 2D: MIXED MEDIA
115 Schier Sher 2D: MIXED MEDIA
214 Schmith Mary Jo 3D Functional: Ceramics
353 Schnabl Babs 2D: Mixed Media
342 Shea Andrew 3D Non-Functional: Glass
305 Shuttlesworth Melissa 2D: Digital
216 Siegel Ezra 2D: MIXED MEDIA
525 Sintes Paz Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
107 Smith Woody & Judy 2d: wood
231 Sparenga Sebastian Photo color
357 Spears Kyle Photo: black and white
229 Spraul Barbara Painting: Oil Paint
362 Stelter Nicholas 3d non functional: glass
404 Stinson Ron 3d non functional: metal
113 Stoltz Ravit Jewelry: Mixed Media
328/330 Suarez Sarella Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
350 Sutherland Bryon 3d non functional: glass
220 Tantillo Stephanie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
502 Tatar Howard Photo black and white and color
534 Tekeli Emre Jewelry: Metals
243 Tsank Alla Painting: Oil Paint
225 Tuck Ryan 2D: MIXED MEDIA
403 Valatka Izida 3D FUNCTIONAL: ceramics
349 Igris Morales Danilo Vinardell & PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
348 Webb GM 3d non functional: metal
518 Weller Felton painting: acrylic resin
316 Wewerka Steve Photo black and white and color
319 Wheat Stephanie 3D Functional: Leather
400 Wilbat James 3D Non-Functional: Glass
536 Williams Bradly Jewelry: Gold/Silver
412 Williams Lisa Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
313 Wilson Scott Painting: Oil
212 Wooster Anne 2d: printmaking
429 Wright Carla PAINTING: OIL PAINT
354 Wylangowska Lidia Painting: Oil Paint
236 Yang Jerry & Elaine 3D Functional: Fiber
301 Rolfes Zavison 2D: Mixed Media