Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2022 Printer's Row Art Fest

See and Shop from these Artists!
Stephen Almandarz
Booth 144
Joel Anderson
Booth 162
Abbie Ansburg
Booth 152
Mike Baker
Booth 132
Mary Barczak
Booth 180
Steve Bines
Booth 150.5
Kelsey Burchett
Booth 159
Marco Bustillos
Booth 160
Chris Charles
Booth 158
Diane Chyler
Booth 127
Katie Cohen
Booth 170
James Cole
Booth 156
Jayne Colwill
Booth 154
Jordan Delmonte
Booth 136
Jillian Elliott
Booth 107.5
Scott Fishman
Booth 166
Johnna Geick
Booth 124
Donzell Gordon
Booth 144.5
Pam Green
Booth 117
Heather Hambrecht
Booth 97
Mayolo Haro
Booth 181
Aubrey Hogan
Booth 133
Vivian Huang
Booth 103
Abbas Husain & Noreen Walls
Booth 105
Fred Imhoff
Booth 134
Dennis & Christina Jacobs
Booth 101
Bogdan & Tina Janczura
Booth 126.5
Shayna M Johansen
Booth 143.7
Devin Johnson
Booth 182
Scott Jones
Booth 158.5
James Klekowski
Booth 170.5
Kenneth Kudulis
Booth 147
Susan Larsen
Booth 175
James & Belladora Lassak
Booth 178
Thelma Lugo
Booth 89
Emma Lyons
Booth 167
Scott Maki
Booth 99
Shane Martin
Booth 179
Melvin McGee
Booth 169
Marie Miklaszewski
Booth 111/113
Angela Moody
Booth 178.5
Sue Mooney
Booth 150
Robin Nathan
Booth 149.5
Jolanta Nawrocka
Booth 126
Laura Nicholson-Tom
Booth 119
Sheryl Nieman
Booth 162.5
Ken Orton
Booth 148
Jim & Cindy Pierson
Booth 91/93
Ralph Rankin
Booth 107
Sher Schier
Booth 137
Uchita Shah
Booth 140
Ron Sieracki & Kari Kloc
Booth 120
Laurie Slater
Booth 173
Maia Stern
Booth 121
Angie Thieszen
Booth 143
Stephen Ursino
Booth 141
Jaye Walizer
Booth 173.5
Felton Weller
Booth 167.5
Yvette Wesley
Booth 172
Jean Williams
Booth 148.5
Thomas Williams
Booth 147.5
May Xiong
Booth 165
Booth #Last NameFirst NameArtShop
151 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
144 Almandarz Stephen 2D: Drawing
162 Anderson Joel 2D: Mixed Media
152 Ansburg Abbie Painting: Oil Paint
132 Baker Mike Photography: Color & Black & White
180 Barczak Mary Painting
109 Belokurova Maria Jewelry: Mixed Media
150.5 Bines Steve 3D Non Functional Mixed Media
159 Burchett Kelsey 3D Functional Fiber
160 Bustillos Marco
158 Charles Chris 2d: printmaking
139/139.5 Chavez Rosa PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
127 Chyler Diane 3D Functional: Mixed Media
95 Coglianese Matthew 2D: Digital
170 Cohen Katie Jewelry: Mixed Media
156 Cole James Photo black and white and color
154 Colwill Jayne Jewelry: Metals
166.7 Delgado Lilian Painting: Oil Paint
136 Delmonte Jordan Photography
107.5 Elliott Jillian Painting
136.5 Kulak Tetyana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
168 Fincher Scott Photo black and white and color
166.5 Fischer Val Painting: Acrylic Paint
166 Fishman Scott Photo color
124 Geick Johnna Painting
144.5 Gordon Donzell Wood
117 Green Pam Jewelry: Mixed Media
128/130 Gribinski Nathalie PAINTING: MIXED MEDIA
97 Hambrecht Heather 3D Functional: Leather
140.5 Hamilton Pam Painting: Acrylic Paint
181 Haro Mayolo 3D Functional: Wood
149 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
138 Hersch Mark Photography: Color & Black & White
133 Hogan Aubrey 2d: wood
177 Horan Brian Photo black and white and color
103 Huang Vivian Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
105 Noreen Walls Abbas Husain & 2D: Printmaking
134 Imhoff Fred Jewelry
101 Jacobs Dennis & Christina 2D Printmaking
126.5 Janczura Bogdan & Tina Photography: Color
143.7 Johansen Shayna M Jewelry: Gold and Silver
182 Johnson Devin Jewelry: Mixed Media
158.5 Jones Scott
170.5 Klekowski James Photography
147 Kudulis Kenneth Painting: Acrylic Paint
175 Larsen Susan
178 Lassak James & Belladora 3d functional: ceramics
161 Lee Eric 2D: Digital
171 Luciano Zsuzsanna Photography: Color
89 Lugo Thelma 2D: MIXED MEDIA
167 Lyons Emma Painting : Acrylic
99 Maki Scott 2D: DRAWING
164 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
179 Martin Shane Painting
163 Mayhew Mays 2D: DRAWING
169 Mcgee Melvin Painting: Oil Paint
174 Mensa-Aborampa Kwame EMERGING ARTIST: PAINTING
111/113 Miklaszewski Marie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
178.5 Moody Angela Jewelry: Gold/Silver
150 Mooney Sue Painting
149.5 Nathan Robin Jewelry Designer: Metals
126 Nawrocka Jolanta
119 Nicholson-Tom Laura Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
162.5 Nieman Sheryl Painting
160.5 Nye Christine Painting: Acrylic Paint
148 Orton Ken
91/93 Pierson Cindy Jewelry: Mixed Media
107 Rankin Ralph 2D: Digital
133.5 Reed Aaron 2D: Drawing
153/155 Rhead Jenny 2D: MIXED MEDIA
146 Rosengard Sue Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
131 Ruiz Leon 2D: Acrylic Paint
137 Schier Sher 2D: MIXED MEDIA
143.5 Sechin Andrew 2D: Mixed Media
140 Shah Uchita Jewelry
157 Sharp James 3D Functional: Fiber
120 Kari Kloc Ron Sieracki 3D FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
173 Slater Laurie Painting
117.5 Sorenson Al Painting: Acrylic Paint
121 Stern Maia 3d functional: glass
143 Thieszen Angie Painting
141 Ursino Stephen PAINTING: OIL PAINT
173.5 Walizer Jaye Jewelry
167.5 Weller Felton painting: acrylic resin
172 Wesley Yvette
148.5 Williams Jean
147.5 Williams Thomas PAINTING: OIL PAINT
165 Xiong May 3D Functional: Ceramics