Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2022 Third Ward Art Festival

Artist List and Booth Numbers
David Abrahamson
Booth 60.1
Kristen Alice
Booth 112
David Alvardo
Booth 129
Stephanee Papa
Booth 63
Abbie Ansburg
Booth 98
Alejandra Avila
Booth 114.5
Dan Neil Barnes
Booth 100
Carol Beal
Booth 143
Eric Beauchamp
Booth 80
Richard Bemis
Booth 147
Ryan Bigelow
Booth 149
Chelsea Bird
Booth 97
Jason Blenkinsop
Booth 106.1
George Bragg
Booth 35
Marco Bustillos
Booth 128
Amy L Butts
Booth 115
Jacqueline Cabessa Redlich
Booth 76 Shop Now
Camille Carr
Booth 43
Helen Chen
Booth 38
James Cole
Booth 65
Rich Conti
Booth 126
Inna & Alex Deriy
Booth 12
Josiah Eidmann
Booth 50
Wilfred Fang
Booth 55
Paul Farmer
Booth 81
Micah Felch
Booth 114
Mark & Sue Ferguson
Booth 14
Roberto Ferrer
Booth 42
Angelo Fico & Karen Naylor
Booth 104
Pam Fox
Booth 103
Bruce Furlin
Booth 44
BJ Gentilli
Booth 47
Suzanne Gernandt
Booth 118
Jamison Glisczinski
Booth 127
Luis Enrique Gutierrez
Booth 79.5
Mary Hager
Booth 48
Heather Hambrecht
Booth 151
Melissa Hampton
Booth 94
Jeff Hart
Booth 110
Daryl Harwood
Booth 36
Patricia Heller
Booth 109
Karen Heuton
Booth 119
Aubrey Hogan
Booth 91
Shayna Jingst
Booth 157
JJ Johansen
Booth 124
Lance Johnson
Booth 102
Nels Johnson
Booth 17
Shano Kelley
Booth 37
Laura Kiro
Booth 141
Robin Kittleson
Booth 3
Jason Krukowski
Booth 146
Robert Lagestee
Booth 65
Susan Larsen
Booth 150
Booth 54/56
Oscar Matos Linares
Booth 40
Scott Maki
Booth 105.1
Ancizar Marin
Booth 45
Maykel Medina
Booth 108.5
Balbina Meyer
Booth 131/133
William Millonig
Booth 39
Annie Mohaupt & Justin Walker
Booth 95.5
Jose Muenala Anguaya
Booth 106.5
Iwona Narolewska
Booth 99
Robin Nathan
Booth 138
Jackson Ocheltree
Booth 16/18
Liliana Olmos
Booth 86/88
Scott Olson
Booth 10
Ken Orton
Booth 78
Brad Patterson
Booth 49/51
Stan Piepenburg
Booth 9
Randy & Kitsana Polk
Booth 74
Thomas Pscheid
Booth 122
Arthur Ragauskas & Vilma Birbilaite
Booth 69
Patti Raml
Booth 5
Ralph Rankin
Booth 77
Mengxi Li & Jordan Reznicek
Booth 106
Joseph Rieland
Booth 113
Michael Rotsch
Booth 49/51
Babs Schnabl
Booth 105.5
April Sepich
Booth 93
Karen Shull & Kristy Kempner
Booth 11 Shop Now
Toby Skov
Booth 72
Richard Sobkowiak
Booth 46
John & Christine Strobel
Booth 130
Sarella Suarez
Booth 125
Bryon Sutherland
Booth 111
Howard Tatar
Booth 95
Lynn Tatar
Booth 156
Rich Theobald
Booth 154
Melynda Van Zee
Booth 98.5
Steve Wagner
Booth 52
Cheryl Ward
Booth 53
Steven Ward
Booth 24
Tim Weldon
Booth 26
Felton Weller
Booth 105
Kathleen Murphy Willer
Booth 15
Ken Wilson
Booth 62
Anne Wooster & Steven Peaslee
Booth 19
Lidia Wylangowska
Booth 87
Sandi Wysock
Booth 6/8
Sydney Ziemke
Booth 152
Jeff Zoellner
Booth 144
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
60.1 Abrahamson David Painting: Acrylic Paint
79 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
60 Alboher Lea 2D: Digital
112 Alice Kristen Painting
129 Alvardo David Jewelry
63 Papa Stephanee Painting: Oil Paint
98 Ansburg Abbie Painting: Oil Paint
7 Arango Andres 3D Functional: Leather
114.5 Avila Alejandra 3D Functional: Leather
4/4.5 Bank Carla Painting: Acrylic Resin
100 Barnes Dan Neil 3d non functional: glass
143 Beal Carol Jewelry
80 Beauchamp Eric 2D: Wood
147 Bemis Richard 3d functional: wood
149 Bigelow Ryan Photography: Color
97 Bird Chelsea Jewelry: Gold/Silver
106.1 Blenkinsop Jason 3D Non Functional Metals
35 Bragg George 2d: MIXED MEDIA
23 Brown Michael 2D: Print Making
128 Bustillos Marco
115 Butts Amy Jewelry: Gold and/or Silver
117 Bye Cynthia 2D: Fiber
76 Cabessa Redlich Jacqueline 2D: Acrylic Paint
43 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
38 Chen Helen Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
65 Cole James Photo black and white and color
126 Conti Rich 3D Functional: Wood
1 Delgado Lilian Painting: Oil Paint
101 Dennison Jd Photo color
12 Deriy Inna & Alex 2D: Mixed Media
50 Eidmann Josiah 2D: Wood
90/92 Emery Leslie 2D: Acrylic Resin
55 Fang Wilfred 2D: Mixed Media
81 Farmer Paul Jewelry: Gold/Silver
14 Ferguson Mark & Sue Jewelry: Gold/Silver
42 Ferrer Roberto 3D Non Functional: Wood
104 Karen Naylor Angelo Fico & 3D Functional: Glass
20 Fincher Scott Photo black and white and color
60.5 Forst Beth Painting: Oil Paint
103 Fox Pam Jewelry Maker: Gold and/or Silver
44 Furlin Bruce
59 Garzon Carolina Painting: Mixed Media
47 Gentilli BJ 3d functional: wood
118 Gernandt Suzanne PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
127 Glisczinski Jamison 3d non functional: metal
79.5 Gutierrez Luis Enrique 3D Non Functional: Ceramics
48 Hager Mary 3D Non Functional: Mixed Media
151 Hambrecht Heather 3D Functional: Leather
64 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
110 Hart Jeff 3d non functional: wood
36 Harwood Daryl 2D: MIXED MEDIA
109 Heller Patricia 2D: Fiber
141 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
119 Heuton Karen Painting: Acrylic Paint
91 Hogan Aubrey 2d: wood
67 Holaday William 2D: Pastel
116 Horan Brian Photo black and white and color
73 Hunt-Frank Sarah 3d functional: ceramics
140 Jahraus Jon 2D: Drawing
124 JOHANSEN JESPER Photo color
102 Johnson Lance 2D: Mixed Media
17 Johnson Nels Photography: Color
37 Kelley Shano Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
141 Kiro Laura Painting: Acrylic Paint
3 Kittleson Robin 3d functional: glass
25 Krawez Gina 2D: Acrylic Paint
146 Krukowski Jason 2D: Mixed Media
65 Lagestee Robert 3d non functional: glass
150 Larsen Susan
66 Lee Eric 2D: Digital
54/56 Li Li
40 Linares Oscar Matos Photography: Color
96 Luciano Zsuzsanna Photography: Color
105.1 Maki Scott 2D: DRAWING
45 Marin Ancizar 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
83 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
68 Mason Barb Jewelry: Mixed Media
108.5 2D: Mixed Media
137 Mensa-Aborampa Kwame EMERGING ARTIST: PAINTING
131/133 Meyer Balbina 3D functional Mixed Media
39 Millonig William Painting: Oil Paint
95.5 Mohaupt & Walker Annie & Justin
106.5 Muenala Anguaya Jose Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
89 Musick-Makely Meg 3D Functional: Leather
99 Narolewska Iwona Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
138 Nathan Robin Jewelry Designer: Metals
22 Nehring Robert 3D Non-Functional: Metals
16/18 Ocheltree Jackson 3D Non-Functional: Glass
76 Oleski David Painting: Oil Paint
86/88 Olmos Liliana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
10 Olson Scott 2D: Mixed Media
78 Orton Ken
49/51 Patterson Brad 3D Functional: Ceramics
9 Piepenburg Stan 2D: Drawing
74 Polk Randy Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
122 Pscheid Thomas Photography: Color
69 RAGAUSKAS ARTHUR Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
5 Raml Patti Jewelry
77 Rankin Ralph 2D: Digital
123 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
106 Reznicek Mengxi Li & Jordan 3d functional: leather
113 Rieland Joseph 3d functional: wood
49/51 Rotsch Michael PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
21 Ruiz Leon 2D: Acrylic Paint
107 Rujuwa Peter 3D Non-Functional: Stone
105.5 Schnabl Babs 2D: Mixed Media
93 Sepich April 3D Functional: Mixed Media
57 Shaffer Jane & Susan Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
11 Kristy Kempner Karen Shull & Jewelry Mixed Media
72 Skov Toby Photo black and white and color
46 Sobkowiak Richard 3D Functional: Wood
58 Soffer Ann Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
130 Strobel John Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
125 Suarez Sarella Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
111 Sutherland Bryon 3d non functional: glass
82/82.5 Tantillo Stephanie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
95 Tatar Howard Photo black and white and color
156 Tatar Lynn Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
154 Theobald Rich 2D: Mixed Media
113.5 Tuck Ryan 2D: MIXED MEDIA
85 Waddington Elizabeth 2D: Watercolor
52 Wagner Steve 2D: Watercolor
53 Ward Cheryl 2D: Mixed Media
24 Ward Steven Painting: Acrylic Paint
26 Weldon Tim 2D Mixed Media
105 Weller Felton painting: acrylic resin
70 Wewerka Steve Photo black and white and color
84 Widmer Don 2D: Paper
153 Wilbat James 3D Non-Functional: Glass
15 Willer Kathleen Murphy 2D: Acrylic Paint
62 Wilson Ken 2D: MIXED MEDIA
19 Wooster Anne 2d: printmaking
87 Wylangowska Lidia Painting: Oil Paint
6/8 Wysock Sandi 2d: fiber
152 Ziemke Sydney 3D Functional Ceramics
144 Zoellner Jeff Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver