Booth Numbers
Anjum Ahmed
Booth 73
Sara Barber
Booth 105
Brooke Minton
Booth 47
Gina Biasiello
Booth 111
Dan Bieser & Soua Xiong
Booth 4
Janeane Bowlware
Booth 96
Tracy Burton
Booth 53
Randy Butterfield
Booth 76
Camille Carr
Booth 33
Patrick Cerny
Booth 74
Helen Chen
Booth 64
Cathy Clayton-Botha & Lara Dugas
Booth 6
Debra Coe
Booth 85
Julie Crosson
Booth 104
Terry Cunningham
Booth 66
Leah Del Nagro
Booth 24
Jerry Ann Dowdle
Booth 103
Booth 43
Josiah Eidmann
Booth 50
Lala Enver
Booth 110
Anthony Ficarra & Misty Mercer
Booth 80
Annette Fiscelli
Booth 34
Karen Gaski
Booth 106
Karen Gill
Booth 37
Jeanine Guncheon
Booth 38
Pedro Gutierrez
Booth 78
Heather Hambrecht
Booth 45
Sharon Harkavy
Booth 20
Patricia Heller
Booth 49
Darlene Hofstra
Booth 75
Bethany James
Booth 97
Beau Jones
Booth 51
Sarita Kamat
Booth 54
James Kasmarek
Booth 109
Michelle Keim
Booth 79
Cortney Kinzler
Booth 23
Kristen Langelier & Jessica McMillan
Booth 18
Dylan Lanoff
Booth 90
Ryan Lapeer
Booth 101
Julie Latayan
Booth 46
Krista Lehman & Kenneth Ferguson
Booth 5
Rebecca Levine
Booth 91
Danielle Martin
Booth 9
Gwen Morris
Booth 69
Matt Musick
Booth 22
Michael Nastepniak
Booth 63
Jolanta Nawrocka
Booth 31
Katie Newell
Booth 108
Karen Ovington
Booth 83
Roy Owens
Booth 77
Mandy Krolak
Booth 93
Sue Peterson
Booth 95
Judy Potrzeba
Booth 58
Maranda Powers
Booth 102
Juli Prizant
Booth 70
Arthur Ragauskas & Vilma Birbilaite
Booth 81
Tom O. Reed
Booth 57
Michelle Rial
Booth 59
Donna Richards
Booth 92
Chrystle Rivers
Booth 42
Laura Rizzardini
Booth 89
Jenee Rowe
Booth 82
Nicole & Nancy Salerno with Mattew Kerrigan
Booth 25
Wendy Santini
Booth 88
Grace Savina
Booth 68
Michael Schur
Booth 35
Bruno Siegel
Booth 60
Nancy Solbrig
Booth 72
Tonjameka Southern
Booth 65
Sandy Squillo
Booth 21
Michelle Starbuck Amos
Booth 30
Lee Stein
Booth 56
Patricia Talbot
Booth 71
Kellie Truppa
Booth 98
John Van De Merkt
Booth 112
Consuelo Wilson
Booth 32
Cindy Winland
Booth 28
Booth 55
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
73 Ahmed Anjum
40 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
84 Andrews Ann
94 Averhart Michele Jewelry Maker: Mixed Media
105 Barber Sara
47 Minton Brooke 3D Functional: Stone
111 Biasiello Gina
4 Soua Xiong Dan Bieser &
96 Bowlware Janeane
53 Burton Tracy
76 Butterfield Randy 3D Functional: Mixed Media
33 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
19 Castrogiovanni Maggie 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
74 Cerny Patrick 2D: Print Making
64 Chen Helen Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
6 Lara Dugas Cathy Clayton-Botha &
85 Coe Debra Jewelry: Mixed Media
104 Crosson Julie
66 Cunningham Terry Jewelry: Mixed Media
24 Del Nagro Leah
103 Dowdle Jerry Ann 3D Functional: Fiber
43 Dunlavy Brian
50 Eidmann Josiah 2D: Wood
110 Enver Lala
48 Kulak Tetyana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
80 Misty Mercer Anthony Ficarra &
34 Fiscelli Annette 3D Functional: Mixed Media
106 Gaski Karen
37 Gill Karen
52 Gougenheim Isabelle 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
100 Grenier Bevill Ellen 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
38 Guncheon Jeanine
78 Gutierrez Pedro
45 Hambrecht Heather 3D Functional: Leather
20 Harkavy Sharon
49 Heller Patricia 2D: Fiber
62 Hess Mary Abbott
75 Hofstra Darlene
97 James Bethany
51 Jones Beau
54 Kamat Sarita
109 Kasmarek James 3D Non-Functional: Wood
79 Keim Michelle
23 Kinzler Cortney 2D Mixed Media
44 Kline Elizabeth Jewelry: Metals
18 Jessica McMillan Kristen Langelier & 2D: Mixed Media
90 Lanoff Dylan
101 Lapeer Ryan 2D: Mixed Media
46 Latayan Julie
5 Kenneth Ferguson Krista Lehman &
41 Lehman Lindsey Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
91 Levine Rebecca
9 Martin Danielle
39 Maurer Elizabeth 3D Functional: Fiber
69 Morris Gwen
22 Musick Matt
36 Nardin William 3d functional: wood
63 Nastepniak Michael
31 Nawrocka Jolanta
108 Newell Katie
83 Ovington Karen
77 Owens Roy
93 Krolak Mandy 3D Functional: Ceramics
95 Peterson Sue
58 Potrzeba Judy Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
102 Powers Maranda Jewelry: Metals
70 Prizant Juli Jewelry: Metals
81 RAGAUSKAS ARTHUR Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
61 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
57 Reed Tom O.
59 Rial Michelle
92 Richards Donna Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
42 Rivers Chrystle
89 Rizzardini Laura 3D Non Functional: Fiber
82 Rowe Jenee
25 Salerno & Kerrigan Nicole & Nancy & Matthew Jewelry: Mixed Media
88 Santini Wendy Jewelry Maker: Mixed Media
68 Savina Grace
35 Schur Michael
60 Siegel Bruno 3D Functional: Candles
72 Solbrig Nancy
65 Southern Tonjameka
21 Squillo Sandy Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
30 Starbuck Amos Michelle
56 Stein Lee
71 Talbot Patricia 2D: Mixed Media
98 Truppa Kellie
86 Ulman Jason Photo black and white and color
112 Van De Merkt John 3D Functional: Wood
32 Wilson Consuelo
28 Winland Cindy
55 YU ZUXIN Painting: Acrylic Paint