MADE December 15, 2019

Artist List and Booth Numbers
Rita Anthony
Booth 108
Mary Arroyo-Ortiz
Booth 46
Marty Aspera
Booth 79
Brooke Minton
Booth 56
Kate & Natalie Berberet (Syzgy)
Booth 86
Marie Brandell & Mary Dollahan
Booth 55
Josh Brenneman
Booth 76
Mary Louise Brown
Booth 82
Sandra Brumfield
Booth 60
Megan Cannon
Booth 81
Trish Carnevale
Booth 71
Camille Carr
Booth 57
Booth 52
Katie Cohen
Booth 54
Lauren Cornell
Booth 103
Cecile Derel
Booth 39
Jill Dunn
Booth 37
Rachel & Brian Engel
Booth 73
Bari Fleischer
Booth 38
Nora Gardner
Booth 61
Gina Giordano
Booth 44
Sherri Gold & Ronda Winter
Booth 74 Shop Now
Emily Graf
Booth 58
Timothy Hall
Booth 83
Ashley Hise
Booth 33
Troy Holmes
Booth 48
Nazneen Husain
Booth 53
Kelly Jacobson
Booth 32
Maria Kamara & Mary Hagemeyer
Booth 95
Lisa Kleppinger
Booth 93
Nikola Kolev
Booth 98
Tina Krebs (WithGlitz)
Booth 107.5
Ryan Lapeer
Booth 77
Raymond Lauk
Booth 99
Nerissa Legge
Booth 87
Boguslaw Lowczyk
Booth 105
Holly Anne Mitchell
Booth 59
Robin Nathan
Booth 45
Jolanta Nawrocka
Booth 84
Kimmer Olesak
Booth 78
Lauren Petrow & Debbie Falduto
Booth 69
Amanda Pohlman
Booth 65
Mengxi Li & Jordan Reznicek
Booth 60.5
Michelle Riley
Booth 40
Nicole & Nancy Salerno with Mattew Kerrigan
Booth 97
Dany Savova
Booth 90
Dori Settles
Booth 64
Candice Sexton
Booth 66
Sonnett Shelline
Booth 62
Nadiya & Anastasiya Shulhan
Booth 89
Karen Shull & Kristy Kempner
Booth 109 Shop Now
Bruno Siegel
Booth 41
Ron Sieracki & Kari Kloc
Booth 91/92
Ron Styne
Booth 96
Zainab Sumu
Booth 42/43
Patricia Talbot
Booth 102
Erika Tames
Booth 104
Lynn Tatar
Booth 72
John Taylor
Booth 107
Kathleen Toomey
Booth 88
Nicole Tupesis
Booth 80
Christina Walker
Booth 79.5
Bradly Williams
Booth 47
Ari & Yuliya Wolf
Booth 36
Kendall Wrightson
Booth 106
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
34 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
108 Anthony Rita
51 Arnold Denna 3D Functional: Wood
46 Arroyo-Ortiz Mary 2D: Mixed Media
79 Aspera Marty
56 Minton Brooke 3D Functional: Stone
75 Belokurova Maria Jewelry: Mixed Media
86 Berberet (Syzgy) Kate & Natalie
55 Brandell Marie 2D: Fiber
76 Brenneman Josh
82 Brown Mary Louise
60 Brumfield Sandra
81 Cannon Megan
71 Carnevale Trish
57 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
52 Cohen Jackie Jewelry: Gold/Silver
54 Cohen Katie Jewelry: Mixed Media
103 Cornell Lauren
39 Derel Cecile 3d functional: glass
37 Dunn Jill Jewelry: Metals
73 Engel Rachel & Brian 3D Non Functional Mixed Media
38 Fleischer Bari
61 Gardner Nora Jewelry Mixed Media
44 Giordano Gina 3D Functional Artisan Gourmet
74 Ronda Winter Sherri Gold & 3D Functional: Fiber
58 Graf Emily 3D Functional: Fiber
83 Hall Timothy 3D Non Functional Wood
33 Hise Ashley 3D Non Functional Ceramics
48 Holmes Troy
53 Husain Nazneen
32 Jacobson Kelly Jewelry: Metals
95 Mary Hagemeyer Maria Kamara &
93 Kleppinger Lisa Jewelry: Gold/Silver
98 Kolev Nikola 3D Non Functional Paper
107.5 Krebs Tina
77 Lapeer Ryan 2D: Mixed Media
99 Lauk Raymond
87 Legge Nerissa Jewelry Mixed Media
105 Lowczyk Boguslaw Photo black and white and color
59 Mitchell Holly Anne
45 Nathan Robin Jewelry Designer: Metals
84 Nawrocka Jolanta
78 Olesak Kimmer 3D Functional: Wood
69 Debbie Falduto Lauren Petrow & Jewelry Mixed Media
65 Pohlman Amanda Jewelry: Mixed Media
68 Pontarelli Danielle EMERGING ARTIST: PAINTING
60.5 Reznicek Mengxi Li & Jordan 3d functional: leather
30/31 Rhead Jenny 2D: MIXED MEDIA
40 Riley Michelle
97 Salerno & Kerrigan Nicole & Nancy & Matthew Jewelry: Mixed Media
90 Savova Dany
64 Settles Dori 3D Functional Glass
66 Sexton Candice
62 Shelline Sonnett
89 Shulhan Nadiya & Anastasiya
109 Kristy Kempner Karen Shull & Jewelry Mixed Media
41 Siegel Bruno 3D Functional: Candles
91/92 Kari Kloc Ron Sieracki 3D FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
85 Soltwisch Samuel Painting Acrylic
96 Styne Ron 3D Non-Functional: Wood
42/43 Sumu Zainab 3D Functional Fiber
102 Talbot Patricia 2D: Mixed Media
104 Tames Erika 3D Functional Artisan Candles
72 Tatar Lynn Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
107 Taylor John 3D Non Functional Wood
88 Toomey Kathleen
80 Tupesis Nicole 3D Functional: Fiber
70 Turner Jennifer 2D: Acrylic
79.5 Walker Christina
47 Williams Bradly Jewelry: Gold/Silver
36 Wolf Ari & Yuliya 3d functional: leather
106 Wrightson Kendall 3D Functional Fiber