MADE February 10 Artist List

Booth Numbers
Debbie Allbright
Booth 17
Adriana Altuve
Booth 3
Sara Barber
Booth 54
Brooke Minton
Booth 74
Daisy Betance
Booth 16
Sandra Brumfield
Booth 7
Tracy Burton
Booth 8
Angelica Callanta
Booth 40
Camille Carr
Booth 4
Melissa Castillo
Booth 69
Patrick Cerny
Booth 28
Andrew Christen
Booth 72
Cathy Clayton-Botha & Lara Dugas
Booth 23
Patrick & Laura Collins
Booth 60
Leah Del Nagro
Booth 76
Ann Duncan-Hlavach
Booth 12
Anthony Ficarra & Misty Mercer
Booth 22
Kate Gaber
Booth 24
Peter Gaona
Booth 73
Amy Hansen
Booth 68
Katherine Heinze
Booth 75
Troy Holmes
Booth 10
Vivian Huang
Booth 14
Selin Isin-Maldonado
Booth 43
Katherine Jeffery
Booth 1
James Kasmarek
Booth 30
Kristen Langelier & Jessica McMillan
Booth 58
Raymond Lauk
Booth 36
Steve Lome
Booth 63
Nicole Massarelli-Strikovic
Booth 69
Marine Mercieux & Laura McMahon
Booth 42
Jeanine Moneypenny
Booth 47
Misty Nagan
Booth 20
Jolanta Nawrocka
Booth 48
Theodora Ntovas
Booth 61
Polly Pancoe Kortlander
Booth 44
Rosemarie Quintus
Booth 57
Allegra Raff
Booth 59
Nicole & Nancy Salerno with Mattew Kerrigan
Booth 53
Wendy Santini
Booth 52
Dany Savova
Booth 38
Candice Sexton
Booth 9
Shauna Shaik
Booth 13
Bruno Siegel
Booth 15
Chetna Singh
Booth 2
Grace Soraparu
Booth 66
Via Strozzi
Booth 33
Sarella Suarez
Booth 65
Patricia Talbot
Booth 37
Lynn Tatar
Booth 35
Shana Taveras
Booth 27
Angie Taylor
Booth 71
Chad Tuura
Booth 67
Meredith Waterstraat
Booth 49
Jean Williams
Booth 11
Consuelo Wilson
Booth 34
Booth 32
Katie Zito
Booth 62
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
64 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
17 Allbright Debbie
3 Altuve Adriana
54 Barber Sara
74 Minton Brooke 3D Functional: Stone
16 Betance Daisy
7 Brumfield Sandra
8 Burton Tracy
40 Callanta Angelica
4 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
69 Castillo Melissa
28 Cerny Patrick 2D: Print Making
72 Christen Andrew 2D: Wood
23 Lara Dugas Cathy Clayton-Botha &
60 Collins Patrick and Laura
29 Crawford Claudia Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
76 Del Nagro Leah
12 Duncan-Hlavach Ann 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
22 Misty Mercer Anthony Ficarra &
24 Gaber Kate
73 Gaona Peter
68 Hansen Amy
75 Heinze Katherine
10 Holmes Troy
14 Huang Vivian Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
43 Isin-Maldonado Selin
1 Jeffery Katherine
30 Kasmarek James 3D Non-Functional: Wood
58 Jessica McMillan Kristen Langelier & 2D: Mixed Media
36 Lauk Raymond
63 Lome Steve
69 Massarelli ~ Strikovic Nicole
42 Laura McMahon Marine Mercieux & 3D Functional: Fiber
47 Moneypenny Jeanine
20 Nagan Misty Jewelry: Metals
48 Nawrocka Jolanta
61 Ntovas Theodora
44 Pancoe Kortlander Polly
57 Quintus Rosemarie
59 Raff Allegra
53 Salerno & Kerrigan Nicole & Nancy & Matthew Jewelry: Mixed Media
52 Santini Wendy Jewelry Maker: Mixed Media
38 Savova Dany
18 Scales Jill 3D Functional: Fiber
9 Sexton Candice
13 Shaik Shauna
15 Siegel Bruno 3D Functional: Candles
2 Singh Chetna
66 Soraparu Grace
33 Strozzi Via
65 Suarez Sarella Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
37 Talbot Patricia 2D: Mixed Media
35 Tatar Lynn Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
27 Taveras Shana
71 Taylor Angie
67 Tuura Chad 2D: Printmaking
49 Waterstraat Meredith Painting: Collage
11 Williams Jean
34 Wilson Consuelo
32 YU ZUXIN Painting: Acrylic Paint
62 Zito Katie