Welcome to Spring and the start of the art fair season in the northern United States. This is the time to do your prep work for the summer season. By now you should have a pretty good idea of which shows you will be in. So…what now? Here is a check list to get you ready:
- Finish up and finalize show registrations and payments. At Amdur Productions, we offer payment plans and accept credit cards.
- Put your show schedule on your web site, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets. Have a strong online presence.
- Get plenty of business cards printed. Include your web site and an image of your work.
- Tighten up your email address list and prepare an eblast newsletter to let people know where and when you will be showing your work this summer. Include images of your work and contact info! At Amdur Productions, you can give us your email address list and we will eblast your clients with show information!
- Get your vehicle in for maintenance before you hit the highways. Avoid being an artist who doesn’t make it to the show because of car trouble.
- Keep making art. Frame or finish any pieces for the early shows. Try to offer only new work this summer at the festivals.
- Plan your festival display: walls, hanging plan, floor covering, signage, price tags and guest book. Check your tent, panels and pedestals. If something is broken, get it fixed. If you need new parts, get them now.
- Review your pricing. Have work in 2 to 3 levels so that everyone can find something at a price they are comfortable with. Consider having small, lower priced pieces that can be bought in groups.
- Plan your travel wisely. Use some of the web based discount travel sites to get the best rates. At Amdur Productions we also offer specially priced rooms at hotels near the festivals. Save money by rooming with friends who are at the same festival.