Artists sometimes ask why we have January deadlines for summer festivals. Well…here is why:
- From January 19, (the late deadline) it takes two weeks to get all of the entries ready for jury.
- First week in February: Jurors take one week to review and score all submitals.
- 2nd week in February: Juried Art Services takes about a week to convert the scores into workable files for us to review and we enter all festival status in our data system.
- February 16: Notifications are sent to artists, and artists have til March 16 to formally register for shows.
- March 16: Images of the registered artists are reviewed and selected for show ads, postcards and posters.
- April 1: Collateral is printed and show postcards are sent to artists for receipt by April 16, thirty days prior to the first festival.
So, you can see, not an extra speck of time is available….
And that is why we jury in January.