Artist Statement
Most people are amazed when they see me bicycling down the street eating a bagel juggling my Roycroft Mark and applying eyeliner – all at he same time that is. They seem even more surprised when I tell them I write and illustrate my own stories. Sometimes I illustrate stories that havent been written yet! The images I create come from my imagination. They are drawn on copper or zinc plates and etched in acid. The plates are rubbed with oil-based inks and hand-pulled on cotton rag paper. Only one image per inking is created. I have drawn and written stories since I was 5 years old but was too attached to my artistic creations to ever part with them. Etching metal plates enables me to make multiple prints that are all originals. The etched plate is truly a labor of love and a medium that provides the texture and mysterious compliment to my poems personal anecdotes and creative musings.
Booth Numbers
Gold Coast Art Fair at Grant Park: 400