Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2018 Glencoe Festival of Art

Artist List & Booth Numbers
David Abrahamson
Booth 115
Glenna Adkins
Booth 80
Todd Babb
Booth 62
Pamela Baker
Booth 107
Suzanne Bellows
Booth 69
Jenny Benscher
Booth 14.2
Michael Benstein
Booth 14.5
Booth 11
Mark Billman
Booth 16.5
Kwang Cha Brown
Booth 60
Benjamin Buchenot
Booth 9
Amy L Butts
Booth 67
Camille Carr
Booth 116
James Carroll
Booth 12
Soo Chang
Booth 112
Stephen Christena
Booth 17.5
James Cole
Booth 37
Reta Crawford
Booth 92
Ben Zion David & Elizabeth Pena
Booth 47
Diana Demeuse
Booth 24
David Edmund
Booth 88
Jimmy Ellis
Booth 98
Lala Enver
Booth 74
Rich Ernsting
Booth 13.5
Melissa Fego
Booth 26
Booth 94
Rachael Fine
Booth 113
Annette Fiscelli
Booth 119
Julie Foster
Booth 40
Carolina Garzon & Miguel Cardenas
Booth 55 Shop Now
Michael George
Booth 62.5
Jan & Mike Gussin
Booth 20.2
Michelle & Tom Haden
Booth 96
Craig Hagstrom
Booth 52
Heather Hambrecht
Booth 53
Mayolo Haro
Booth 123
Patty Herrera
Booth 18
Mina Hsing
Booth 27
Nicholas Ireys
Booth 20.1
Booth 21
Shamila Jiwa
Booth 54
Daniel Johnson
Booth 45
Shano Kelley
Booth 66.5
Judit Ksiazak
Booth 25
Kristen Langelier & Jessica McMillan
Booth 8
Tina Leto
Booth 44
Li Li
Booth 82/82.5
Booth 64
Joan Marhula
Booth 10
Arlaina Marie
Booth 22
Ancizar Marin
Booth 15
Loel Martin
Booth 23
Scott Matyjaszek
Booth 41
Matthew Mayes
Booth 84
Nicholas Mirandon
Booth 6/7.5
Victoria Mountz
Booth 93.5
Jose Muenala Anguaya
Booth 101
Iwona Narolewska
Booth 13
William Oistad
Booth 108
Nnamdi Okonkwo
Booth 62.7
Penelope Osio-Brown
Booth 42
Kathryn Pfeiffer
Booth 14
Jackie Phinney
Booth 99
Tiffany Piazza
Booth 118
Jim & Cindy Pierson
Booth 78
John Post
Booth 19
Maranda Powers
Booth 121
Sara Rappee
Booth 20
Rommel & Courtney Ricaurte
Booth 51.5/51.7
Oscar Rivero
Booth 58
Stuart Roddy
Booth 79
Roy & Vivian Rodriguez
Booth 73
Raymond Ruggeri & Butch Harrison
Booth 126
Carol Ryan
Booth 61.5
Mamood Sabzi
Booth 94.5
Sam Seigel and Austin Dickel
Booth 125/126 Shop Now
April Sepich
Booth 90
Lisa Shinkan
Booth 11.5
Ezra Siegal
Booth 39
Amy Simpson & Rita Skarha
Booth 59
Barbara Smith
Booth 4/5
Booth 93
Victor Field & Megan Huston
Booth 114 Shop Now
Booth 95.5
Scott Sternberg
Booth 77
Sarella Suarez
Booth 89
Howard Tatar
Booth 111
Emre Tekeli & Ayse Ersin
Booth 95
Booth 72
James Tucker
Booth 85
Ben Tullman
Booth 127
John Van De Merkt
Booth 20.5
Kate Vanasten
Booth 100
Angelina Vivant
Booth 68
Stephanie Wheat
Booth 70
May Xiong
Booth 46
Booth 102
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
115 Abrahamson David Painting: Acrylic Paint
80 Adkins Glenna 2D: Mixed Media
62 Babb Todd 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
107 Baker Pamela 2D: Fiber
106 Bank Carla Painting: Acrylic Resin
69 BELLOWS SUZANNE Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
14.2 Benscher Jenny Jewelry Designer: Leather
14.5 Benstein Michael 2D: Wood
11 Bevan Jacqueline Jewelry: Glass
16.5 Billman Mark Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
60 Brown Kwang Cha Painting: Oil Paint
9 Buchenot Benjamin 3D Functional: Ceramics
67 Butts Amy Jewelry: Gold and/or Silver
116 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
12 Carroll James
112 Chang Soo Painting: Acrylic Paint
17.5 Christena Stephen 2D: Metal
37 Cole James Photo black and white and color
92 Crawford Reta 2D: Mixed Media
47 David Benzion Jewelry Maker: Gold and/or Silver
16 Delgado Lilian Painting: Oil Paint
24 Demeuse Diana Painting: Oil Paint
75/76 Dennison Jd Photo color
88 STEINER DAVID 2D: Acrylic Resin
98 Ellis Jimmy 2D: Digital
74 Enver Lala
13.5 Ernsting Rich Photo color
103 Kulak Tetyana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
26 Fego Melissa Jewelry: Stone
94 Fernandez David 2D: Ceramics
113 Fine Rachael 3D Functional: Fiber
119 Fiscelli Annette 3D Functional: Mixed Media
40 Foster Julie Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
55 Miguel Cardenas Carolina Garzon & Painting: Mixed Media
62.5 George Michael
20.2 Gussin Jan & Mike Jewelry: Glass
96 Haden Michelle 3D Functional: Fiber
52 Hagstrom Craig Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
53 Hambrecht Heather 3D Functional: Leather
57 Hamilton Pam Painting: Acrylic Paint
63 Hanley Anne 2D: Batik
123 Haro Mayolo 3D Functional: Wood
87 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
18 Herrera Patty 2D: Fiber
71 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
86 Horan Brian Photo black and white and color
83 Horn Dale And Gail Horn Photography: Color
27 Hsing Mina 2D: Mixed Media
20.1 Ireys Nicholas 3D Functional: Mixed Media
21 Coller Jewett Bob Photo: Color
54 Jiwa Shamila Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
45 Johnson Daniel
66.5 Kelley Shano Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
25 Ksiazak Judit 3D Functional: Ceramics
117 Lahvic Kevin Painting: Mixed Media
8 Jessica McMillan Kristen Langelier & 2D: Mixed Media
109 Lehman Lindsey Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
110 Leintz Tanya Painting: Mixed Media
61 Lensink Jay Andrew Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
44 Leto Tina Photo: Black and White
82/82.5 Li Li Painting: Mixed Media
64 Livne Smadar Painting: Mixed Media
10 Marhula Joan 2D: Mixed Media
22 Marie Arlaina 2D: Mixed Media
15 Marin Ancizar 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
97 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
23 Martin Loel Photo black and white and color
41 Matyjaszek Scott 2D: Mixed Media
84 Mayes Matthew Painting: Acrylic Paint
6/7.5 Mirandon Nicholas
93.5 Mountz Victoria Jewelry: Mixed Media
101 Muenala Anguaya Jose Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
13 Narolewska Iwona Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
108 Oistad William Painting: Oil Paint
62.7 Okonkwo Nnamdi
51 Oleski David Painting: Oil Paint
42 Osio-Brown Penelope Painting: Acrylic Paint
85.5 Parisi Nicole Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
14 Pfeiffer Kathryn Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
99 Phinney Jackie Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
118 Piazza Tiffany Jewelry: Gold/Silver
78 Pierson Cindy Jewelry: Mixed Media
19 Post John 2D: Wood
121 Powers Maranda Jewelry: Metals
20 Rappee Sara Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
15.5 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
51.5/51.7 Ricaurte Rommel & Courtney 3D Non-Functional: Metals
58 Rivero Oscar Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
79 Roddy Stuart
73 Rodriguez Roy 2D: Mixed Media
11.2 RUBRIGHT BARBARA 3D Functional: Fiber
126 Ruggeri and Harrison Raymond and Butch 3D Functional: Mixed Media
61.5 Ryan Carol 2D: Acrylic Resin
94.5 Sabzi Mamood
125/126 Austin Dickel Sam Seigel and 3D Functional: Metals
90 Sepich April 3D Functional: Mixed Media
11.5 Shinkan Lisa Jewelry: Gold/Silver
39 Siegal Ezra
59 Rita Skarha Amy Simpson & 3D Functional: Glass
4/5 Smith Barbara Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
93 Sobanski Greg 3D Functional: Mixed Media
114 Megan Huston Victor Field & 2D: Ceramics
95.5 Spector Tina 3D Functional: Mixed Media
77 Sternberg Scott Photo: Color
91 Stoltz Ravit Jewelry: Mixed Media
89 Suarez Sarella Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
111 Tatar Howard Photo black and white and color
95 Tekeli Emre Jewelry: Metals
72 Tesla Cat 2D: Acrylic Resin
85 Tucker James Painting: Acrylic Paint
127 Tullman Ben 3D Non Functional: Glass
103.5/104 Ulman Jason Photo black and white and color
20.5 Van De Merkt John 3D Functional: Wood
100 Vanasten Kate 3D Functional: Fiber
68 Vivant Angelina
70 Wheat Stephanie 3D Functional: Leather
46 Xiong May 3D Functional: Ceramics
102 YU ZUXIN Painting: Acrylic Paint