Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2019 Art at The Glen

Artist List and Booth Numbers
David Abrahamson
Booth 185
Booth 131
Abbie Ansburg
Booth 35
Gary Bachers
Booth 132.2
Stephen Baldauf
Booth 136
Brooke Minton
Booth 68
Michael Benstein
Booth 50
Sher Berman
Booth 209
Mark Billman
Booth 37
Lee Burstein
Booth 1
Tracy Burton
Booth 51
Al Buschauer
Booth 34
Booth 37.5
Jacqueline Cabessa Redlich
Booth 188 Shop Now
Juan Carlos Cahue & Nuris Abuchaibe Cahue
Booth 80
Tina Cannon
Booth 164.3
Camille Carr
Booth 70
Helen Chen
Booth 46
Cat Clausen
Booth 143
Booth 172
James Cole
Booth 210
Rich Conti
Booth 182.5
William Cowherd
Booth 148
Allison Crary
Booth 177
Reta Crawford
Booth 67
Jane & Howie Crouse
Booth 66
Terry Cunningham
Booth 65
Jim Dee
Booth 137
Dawn De Santo
Booth 64
Loura & Gregg Dobbs
Booth 152
Jessica Dougherty
Booth 75
James Downey
Booth 145
Gail Drozd
Booth 44
Booth 88
Booth 164.4
Scott Fishman
Booth 31
Bari Fleischer
Booth 22
Julio Garcia
Booth 9
Karen Gollhardt
Booth 149
Rick & Joni Graves
Booth 60.5
Craig Hagstrom
Booth 8
C A & Nina Harris
Booth 186
Robin Hesselgesser
Booth 174
Karen Heuton
Booth 151
Bonnie Huffman & Jerry Fowler
Booth 166
Jeff Hunter
Booth 153/154
Hanan Ingel & Erez Epshetein
Booth 3
Andrew Johnson
Booth 167
John Kara
Booth 82
Shano Kelley
Booth 132
Laura Kiro
Booth 17
Jill Kramer
Booth 208
Kristen Langelier & Jessica McMillan
Booth 53
Vilma Lee-Heinzinger & Mary Beth Bogatto
Booth 175 Shop Now
Henry Levine
Booth 138
Booth 24
Joan Marhula
Booth 40.5
Ancizar Marin
Booth 18
Ed Martin
Booth 11
Loel Martin
Booth 147
Jennifer Marx
Booth 182
Ryan Matway & Sandra Boonberg
Booth 52
Matthew Mayes
Booth 158
Justin & Melanie Mckenney
Booth 141 Shop Now
Rachelle Meagher
Booth 168
Josh Merrill
Booth 164.2
Helma Mezey
Booth 163/164
Renata Mikota
Booth 207
Bouzon Muxo Fine Art: Gina Muxo Ramos & Orestes Bouzon
Booth 27
Rachael Newman
Booth 192
Peter Novak
Booth 189
Jackson Ocheltree
Booth 13
Mandy Krolak
Booth 205
Anna Pavlova
Booth 16
Armando Pedroso
Booth 62
Jim & Cindy Pierson
Booth 26
John Post
Booth 60
Maranda Powers
Booth 165
Juli Prizant
Booth 39
Tim Prosch
Booth 179
Rommel & Courtney Ricaurte
Booth 206.5
Nicole & Nancy Salerno with Mattew Kerrigan
Booth 40.2
Babs Schnabl
Booth 87
Steve Schrier
Booth 187
Sam Seigel & Anthony Patti
Booth 127/128 Shop Now
April Sepich
Booth 42/43
Ezra Siegel
Booth 71.5
Amy Simpson & Rita Skarha
Booth 10
Barbara Smith
Booth 47
John & Laurie Smith
Booth 54/55
Booth 73
Sarella Suarez
Booth 5
Kit Sunderland
Booth 80.5
Emre Tekeli & Ayse Ersin
Booth 38
James Tucker
Booth 162
Holly Ulm
Booth 81
Jesus Vazquez
Booth 172.3
Todd Ver Halen
Booth 204
Daniel Vidaillet
Booth 40
Catherine Wahl
Booth 71
Meredith Waterstraat
Booth 7
Felton Weller
Booth 49
Megan Wiley
Booth 30
W Scott Wilson
Booth 74
Lidia Wylangowska
Booth 12
May Xiong
Booth 78
Nestor Yulfo
Booth 48
Booth #Last NameFirst NameArtShop
185 Abrahamson David Painting: Acrylic Paint
183 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
131 Amrani Orna and Ami 2D: Mixed Media
35 Ansburg Abbie Painting: Oil Paint
63/63.5 Askew Lori & Mike 3d functional: mixed media
132.2 Bachers Gary
136 BALDAUF STEPHEN 2D: Mixed Media
68 Minton Brooke 3D Functional: Stone
191 Benstein Barbara 2D: Pastel
50 Benstein Michael 2D: Wood
209 Berman Sher Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
37 Billman Mark Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
1 Burstein Lee 2D: Mixed Media
51 Burton Tracy
34 Buschauer Al 2D: Mixed Media
16 Bye Cynthia 2D: Fiber
37.5 Byron Jan 3D Functional: Mixed Media
188 Cabessa Redlich Jacqueline 2D: Acrylic Paint
80 Cahue Juan Carlos & Nuris Abuchaibe
164.3 Cannon Tina
70 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
46 Chen Helen Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
180 Christian Betty Jewelry: Mixed Media
143 Clausen Cat Painting: Oil Paint
172 COLBURN WILLIAM 3D Non-Functional: Metals
210 Cole James Photo black and white and color
182.5 Conti Rich 3D Functional: Wood
148 Cowherd William
177 Crary Allison PAINTING: OIL PAINT
67 Crawford Reta 2D: Mixed Media
66 Crouse Jane & Howie Photo: Color
65 Cunningham Terry Jewelry: Mixed Media
132.3 Dahlstrom Dick 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
137 Dee Jim Painting: Oil Paint
23 Delgado Lilian Painting: Oil Paint
64 De Santo Dawn 3D Functional: Fiber
152 Dobbs Loura & Gregg 3d non functional: metal
75 Dougherty Jessica 3D Functional: Ceramics
145 Downey James 3D Functional: Glass
44 Drozd Gail Painting: Oil Paint
164.4 Fernandez David 2D: Ceramics
144 Fischer Val Painting: Acrylic Paint
31 Fishman Scott Photo color
22 Fleischer Bari
9 Garcia Julio 2D: Mixed Media
149 Gollhardt Karen Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
2 Gougenheim Isabelle 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
60.5 Graves Rick & Joni
8 Hagstrom Craig Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
190 Hammel Howard & Lori Photography: Color
29 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
186 Harris C A and Nina 3D Functional: Leather
102 Hersch Mark Photography: Color & Black & White
85 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
174 Hesselgesser Robin
151 Heuton Karen Painting: Acrylic Paint
166 Huffman & Fowler Bonnie & Jerry Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
153/154 Hunter Jeff
3 Erez Epshetein Hanan Ingel & Jewelry: Gold/Silver
167 Johnson Andrew 3D Functional: Wood
19 Joy Michael
82 Kara John
132 Kelley Shano Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
17 Kiro Laura Painting: Acrylic Paint
15 Kline Elizabeth Jewelry: Metals
208 Kramer Jill 2D: Print Making
53 Jessica McMillan Kristen Langelier & 2D: Mixed Media
181 Lawler Shelly Photo: color
72 Lee Eric 2D: Digital
175 Lee-Heinzinger and Bogatto Vilma and Mary Beth Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
138 Levine Henry 2D: Glass
24 Livne Smadar Painting: Mixed Media
103 Luciano Zsuzsanna Photography: Color
40.5 Marhula Joan 2D: Mixed Media
18 Marin Ancizar 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
134 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
11 Martin Ed 3D Non Functional: Glass
147 Martin Loel Photo black and white and color
182 Marx Jennifer 2D: Mixed Media
52 Sandra Boonberg Ryan Matway &
158 Mayes Matthew Painting: Acrylic Paint
141 Mckenney Justin 3D Functional: Ceramics
168 Meagher Rachelle Painting: Acrylic Paint
164.2 Merrill Josh Photo black and white and color
163/164 Mezey Helma
207 Mikota Renata Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
27 Bouzon Muxo Fine Art Bouzon Muxo Fine Art: Gina Muxo Ramos & Orestes Bouzon 2D: MIXED MEDIA
192 Newman Rachael PAINTING: OIL PAINT
189 Novak Peter
13 Ocheltree Jackson 3D Non-Functional: Glass
142 Papaioannou Sheila Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
159 Parisi Nicole Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
205 Krolak Mandy 3D Functional: Ceramics
157 Pasikov Diana 3D Functional: Mixed Media
16 Pavlova Anna
62 Pedroso Armando 2D: MIXED MEDIA
26 Pierson Cindy Jewelry: Mixed Media
60 Post John 2D: Wood
165 Powers Maranda Jewelry: Metals
39 Prizant Juli Jewelry: Metals
179 Prosch Tim
172.2 Rasmussen James Photo: Black and White and Color
139 Reed Aaron 2D: Drawing
206.5 Ricaurte Rommel & Courtney 3D Non-Functional: Metals
24.5 Ruiz Leon 2D: Acrylic Paint
68 Rujuwa Peter 3D Non-Functional: Stone
40.2 Salerno & Kerrigan Nicole & Nancy & Matthew Jewelry: Mixed Media
87 Schnabl Babs 2D: Mixed Media
187 Schrier Steve 2D: Wood
79.5 Sechin Andrew 2D: Mixed Media
127/128 Anthony Patti Sam Seigel & 3D Functional: Metals
42/43 Sepich April 3D Functional: Mixed Media
71.5 Siegel Ezra 2D: MIXED MEDIA
10 Rita Skarha Amy Simpson & 3D Functional: Glass
47 Smith Barbara Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
54/55 Smith John & Laurie
73 Sobanski Greg 3D Functional: Mixed Media
61 Stoltz Ravit Jewelry: Mixed Media
5 Suarez Sarella Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
80.5 Sunderland Kit
4 Tantillo Stephanie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
38 Tekeli Emre Jewelry: Metals
162 Tucker James Painting: Acrylic Paint
81 Ulm Holly Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
172.3 Vazquez Jesus
204 Ver Halen Todd
40 Vidaillet Daniel 3D Non-Functional: Metals
132.1 Vitale Caitlin Photo black and white and color
71 Wahl Catherine
7 Waterstraat Meredith Painting: Collage
49 Weller Felton painting: acrylic resin
30 Wiley Megan
74 Wilson Scott Painting: Oil
12 Wylangowska Lidia Painting: Oil Paint
78 Xiong May 3D Functional: Ceramics
48 Yulfo Nestor 2D: Mixed Media