Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2019 Glencoe Festival of Art

Artist List and Booth Numbers
Glenna Adkins
Booth 88
Victoria Bekerman
Booth 52
Michael Benstein
Booth 31
Mark Billman
Booth 45
Wendy Brandes
Booth 137
Kwang Cha Brown
Booth 68
Amy L Butts
Booth 84
Jacqueline Cabessa Redlich
Booth 76 Shop Now
Juan Carlos Cahue & Nuris Abuchaibe Cahue
Booth 36
Brynn Capella
Booth 150
James Carroll
Booth 20
Thomas Casey
Booth 116
Soo Chang
Booth 43
Derek Christensen
Booth 13/14
Jeff Cohen
Booth 37
Booth 29/30
Jayne Colwill
Booth 24
Mindy Cooke
Booth 154
Terry Cunningham
Booth 103
Ben Zion David & Elizabeth Pena
Booth 26
Diana Demeuse
Booth 22
Josiah Eidmann
Booth 96
Booth 105
Annette Fiscelli
Booth 140
Bari Fleischer
Booth 114
Julie Foster
Booth 48
Carolina Garzon & Miguel Cardenas
Booth 70 Shop Now
Rick & Joni Graves
Booth 120
Jan & Mike Gussin
Booth 32
Craig Hagstrom
Booth 61
Patty Herrera
Booth 4
Karen Heuton
Booth 141
Mina Hsing
Booth 121
Jeff Hunter
Booth 27/28
Kelly Jacobson
Booth 79
Shamila Jiwa
Booth 63
Andrew Johnson
Booth 152
Booth 73
Erin Kennealy
Booth 101
Emery Kennett
Booth 87
Judit Ksiazak
Booth 23
John Lamar
Booth 38
Tina Leto
Booth 46
Booth 90/91
Danielle & Richard Lynch
Booth 71
Arlaina Marie
Booth 149
Ancizar Marin
Booth 9
Loel Martin
Booth 17
Scott Matyjaszek
Booth 113
Matthew Mayes
Booth 21
Rachelle Meagher
Booth 47
Helma Mezey
Booth 94
Cindy Miceli & Danielle Zarbock
Booth 136
Jose Muenala Anguaya
Booth 139
Bouzon Muxo Fine Art: Gina Muxo Ramos & Orestes Bouzon
Booth 10
Jackson Ocheltree
Booth 80
Liliana Olmos
Booth 132
Ken Orton
Booth 55/56
Jackie Phinney
Booth 133
Jim & Cindy Pierson
Booth 41
John Post
Booth 115
Maranda Powers
Booth 86
Rommel & Courtney Ricaurte
Booth 153
Oscar Rivero
Booth 18
Raymond Ruggeri & Butch Harrison
Booth 57
Nicole & Nancy Salerno with Mattew Kerrigan
Booth 144
Robin Samiljan
Booth 131
Jackie Schomburg
Booth 156
Andrew Sechin
Booth 77
Sam Seigel & Anthony Patti
Booth 74 Shop Now
Terry Shaw
Booth 134/135
Ezra Siegel
Booth 7/8
Amy Simpson & Rita Skarha
Booth 112
Barbara Smith
Booth 19
John & Laurie Smith
Booth 67
Booth 5/6
Richard Sobkowiak
Booth 147
Scott Sternberg
Booth 104
Ravit Stoltz
Booth 119
Danielle Stotts
Booth 102
Sarella Suarez
Booth 100
Kit Sunderland
Booth 75
Howard Tatar
Booth 81
Kelly Tate
Booth 95
James Tucker
Booth 110
Elke Van Dyke
Booth 11
Danilo Vinardell & Igris Morales
Booth 143 Shop Now
Terri Weinstein
Booth 145
Felton Weller
Booth 42
Stephanie Wheat
Booth 3
May Xiong
Booth 99
Trish Zimbalatti
Booth 111
Jeff Zoellner
Booth 118
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
88 Adkins Glenna 2D: Mixed Media
151 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
33/34 Askew Lori & Mike 3d functional: mixed media
52 Bekerman Victoria Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
25 Benstein Barbara 2D: Pastel
31 Benstein Michael 2D: Wood
53 Bernhardt Justin 2D: Digital
45 Billman Mark Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
137 Brandes Wendy
68 Brown Kwang Cha Painting: Oil Paint
84 Butts Amy Jewelry: Gold and/or Silver
76 Cabessa Redlich Jacqueline 2D: Acrylic Paint
36 Cahue Juan Carlos & Nuris Abuchaibe
150 Capella Brynn
20 Carroll James
116 Casey Thomas Photo black and white and color
43 Chang Soo Painting: Acrylic Paint
13/14 Christensen Derek 2D: Mixed Media
37 Cohen Jeff Photo black and white and color
29/30 COLBURN WILLIAM 3D Non-Functional: Metals
24 Colwill Jayne Jewelry: Metals
154 Cooke Mindy
103 Cunningham Terry Jewelry: Mixed Media
26 David Benzion Jewelry Maker: Gold and/or Silver
40 Delgado Lilian Painting: Oil Paint
22 Demeuse Diana Painting: Oil Paint
82/83 Dennison Jd Photo color
96 Eidmann Josiah 2D: Wood
105 Fernandez David 2D: Ceramics
140 Fiscelli Annette 3D Functional: Mixed Media
114 Fleischer Bari
48 Foster Julie Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
70 Miguel Cardenas Carolina Garzon & Painting: Mixed Media
120 Graves Rick & Joni
32 Gussin Jan & Mike Jewelry: Glass
61 Hagstrom Craig Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
65 Hamilton Pam Painting: Acrylic Paint
98 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
4 Herrera Patty 2D: Fiber
39 Hersch Mark Photography: Color & Black & White
78 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
141 Heuton Karen Painting: Acrylic Paint
97 Horan Brian Photo black and white and color
92 Horn Dale And Gail Horn Photography: Color
121 Hsing Mina 2D: Mixed Media
27/28 Hunter Jeff
79 Jacobson Kelly Jewelry: Metals
63 Jiwa Shamila Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
152 Johnson Andrew 3D Functional: Wood
62 Jones Darren 2D: Mixed Media
73 Shano Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
101 Kennealy Erin 2D: Mixed Media
87 Kennett Emery
138 Kraig Jack Photo: Color
23 Ksiazak Judit 3D Functional: Ceramics
38 Lamar John 2d: acrylic painting
46 Leto Tina Photo: Black and White
90/91 Livne Smadar Painting: Mixed Media
72 Luciano Zsuzsanna Photography: Color
71 Lynch Danielle Jewelry: Mixed Media
149 Marie Arlaina 2D: Mixed Media
9 Marin Ancizar 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
50 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
17 Martin Loel
113 Matyjaszek Scott 2D: Mixed Media
21 Mayes Matthew Painting: Acrylic Paint
47 Meagher Rachelle Painting: Acrylic Paint
94 Mezey Helma
136 Miceli and Zarbock Cindy and Danielle
139 Muenala Anguaya Jose Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
10 Bouzon Muxo Fine Art Bouzon Muxo Fine Art: Gina Muxo Ramos & Orestes Bouzon 2D: MIXED MEDIA
117 Nuez Xavier Photo color
80 Ocheltree Jackson 3D Non-Functional: Glass
64 Oleski David Painting: Oil Paint
132 Olmos Liliana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
55/56 Orton Ken
133 Phinney Jackie Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
41 Pierson Cindy Jewelry: Mixed Media
115 Post John 2D: Wood
86 Powers Maranda Jewelry: Metals
35 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
153 Ricaurte Rommel & Courtney 3D Non-Functional: Metals
18 Rivero Oscar Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
57 Ruggeri and Harrison Raymond and Butch 3D Functional: Mixed Media
66 Ruiz Leon 2D: Acrylic Paint
144 Salerno & Kerrigan Nicole & Nancy & Matthew Jewelry: Mixed Media
131 Samiljan Robin 2D: Mixed Media
156 Schomburg Jackie PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
77 Sechin Andrew 2D: Mixed Media
74 Anthony Patti Sam Seigel & 3D Functional: Metals
134/135 Shaw Terry
7/8 Siegel Ezra 2D: MIXED MEDIA
112 Rita Skarha Amy Simpson & 3D Functional: Glass
19 Smith Barbara Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
67 Smith John & Laurie
5/6 Sobanski Greg 3D Functional: Mixed Media
147 Sobkowiak Richard 3D Functional: Wood
104 Sternberg Scott Photo: Color
119 Stoltz Ravit Jewelry: Mixed Media
102 Stotts Danielle Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
100 Suarez Sarella Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
75 Sunderland Kit
81 Tatar Howard Photo black and white and color
95 Tate Kelly Photography: Color & Black & White
110 Tucker James Painting: Acrylic Paint
11 Van Dyke Elke Jewelry: Metals
143 Igris Morales Danilo Vinardell & PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
145 Weinstein Terri
42 Weller Felton painting: acrylic resin
3 Wheat Stephanie 3D Functional: Leather
99 Xiong May 3D Functional: Ceramics
111 Zimablatti Trish
118 Zoellner Jeff Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver