Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2019 Deer Park Art Show

Artist List and Booth Numbers
Fred Albrecht
Booth 44
Lindsey Alexander
Booth 27
Eric Anderson
Booth 11
Brooke Minton
Booth 41.5
Olga Boldyreva & Iulian Nedelea
Booth 19
Philip Eubanks
Booth 48.5
Zina Gelman
Booth 50
Karen Gollhardt
Booth 43
April Graves
Booth 18
Christine Greco-Klauba
Booth 53
Bonnie Huffman & Jerry Fowler
Booth 51
Jeff Hunter
Booth 23
Bogdan & Tina Janczura
Booth 29/30
Jacob Kaufman
Booth 42
Erin Kennealy
Booth 45.5
Seung Jae Kim
Booth 41
Beverly Kontney
Booth 11.5
Jill Krieg
Booth 47
David & Jessica Leiberg
Booth 40
Booth 26
Andrew Manaylo
Booth 15
Renata Mikota
Booth 48
Frank Pagura
Booth 10
Vladimir Pailodze
Booth 54
Wendy Santini
Booth 52
Booth 20
Booth 34
James Vitullo
Booth 14
Meredith Waterstraat
Booth 40.5
Booth 45
Alexandra Zeller
Booth 49
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
39 Addario David 2D: Digital
44 Albrecht Fred 3D Non Functional: Mixed Media
27 Alexander Lindsey 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
11 Anderson Eric 3D Functional: Ceramics
7/7.5 Askew Lori & Mike 3d functional: mixed media
41.5 Minton Brooke 3D Functional: Stone
19 Iulian Nedelea Olga Boldyreva & 3D Functional: Mixed Media
33 Edgar Kevin 3d functional: mixed media
48.5 Eubanks Philip 2D: Acrylic Paint
22 Kulak Tetyana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
50 Gelman Zina Jewelry Designer: Metals
43 Gollhardt Karen Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
18 Graves April Photo color
53 Greco-Klauba Christine Jewelry Maker & Designer
21 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
51 Huffman & Fowler Bonnie & Jerry Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
23 Hunter Jeff
29/30 Janczura Bogdan & Tina Photography: Color
42 Kaufman Jacob Photography: Color & Black & White
45.5 Kennealy Erin 2D: Mixed Media
41 Kim Seung Jae Photo black and white
11.5 Kontney Beverly Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
47 Krieg Jill Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
40 Leiberg David & Jessica 2D: DIGITAL
26 Livne Smadar Painting: Mixed Media
15 Manaylo Andrew Painting: Oil Paint
48 Mikota Renata Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
10 Pagura Frank
54 Pailodze Vladimir Painting: Oil Paint
55 Rabe Deane Painting: Oil Paint
5 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
52 Santini Wendy Jewelry Maker: Mixed Media
37 Sharp James 3D Functional: Fiber
20 SHEETZ KATHERINE Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
34 Sobanski Greg 3D Functional: Mixed Media
36 Tantillo Stephanie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
14 Vitullo James
17 Waite William 3D Functional: Wood
40.5 Waterstraat Meredith Painting: Collage
45 YU ZUXIN Painting: Acrylic Paint
49 Zeller Alexandra