2022 Arts, Crafts, and Drafts

See and Shop from the Artists Below!

Booth numbers are subject to change

Debra Bechtel
Booth 212
Ryan Bigelow
Booth 214
John Bowers
Booth 209
Gary & Pat Braker
Booth 408
Jacqueline Cabessa Redlich
Booth 224 Shop Now
Camille Carr
Booth 232
Megan Correa
Booth 409
Kala Cullars
Booth 102
Lizbeth Doran
Booth 425
Josiah Eidmann
Booth 404
Catherine Elizabeth
Booth 368
Masako Ichikawa
Booth 388
Amber Gavin
Booth 318
Mike Gibson
Booth 96
Karen Gollhardt
Booth 394
Kyle Hendrix
Booth 414
Vivian Huang
Booth 370
Seung Jae Kim
Booth 100
Jot King
Booth 316
John Krejci
Booth 386
James & Belladora Lassak
Booth 206
Linda Lindner
Booth 123
Susan Lukas
Booth 398
Thomas Mark
Booth 208
Shane Martin
Booth 384
Melvin McGee
Booth 222
Lori McLaughlin
Booth 416
Marie Miklaszewski
Booth 378
Iwona Narolewska
Booth 380
Paul Nelson
Booth 207
Aureal Ojeda
Booth 213
Adam Pankratz
Booth 396
Jose Paternoster
Booth 412
Paul & Kristen Peters
Booth 226
Christina Plichta
Booth 372
Thomas Pscheid
Booth 204
Charmaine Rabishaw
Booth 376
Liza Redlin
Booth 420
Geryn Roche
Booth 320
Victoria Rubinstein
Booth 407
April Sepich
Booth 228
Josh Seubert
Booth 104
Thomas Siciliano
Booth 423
Ron Sieracki & Kari Kloc
Booth 314
Jenny Kyle Smith
Booth 400
Neil Stickel
Booth 421
Rich Theobald
Booth 417
Steve Wagner
Booth 410
Wilfred Fang
Booth 234
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
406 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
212 Bechtel Debra Jewelry: Mixed Media
218 Belokurova Maria Jewelry: Mixed Media
214 Bigelow Ryan Photography: Color
209 Bowers John Ceramics
408 Braker Gary & Pat
224 Cabessa Redlich Jacqueline 2D: Acrylic Paint
232 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
409 Correa Megan Photography
102 Cullars Kala Painting
425 Doran Lizbeth Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
216 Dreyer Mark & Donna 3D FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
405 Edgar Kevin 3d functional: mixed media
404 Eidmann Josiah 2D: Wood
368 Elizabeth Catherine 2D Paper
202 Kulak Tetyana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
388 Ichikawa Masako Jewelry: Mixed Media
318 Gavin Amber 3D Functional Ceramics
96 Gibson Mike Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
394 Gollhardt Karen Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
414 Hendrix Kyle 3D Functional Ceramics
210 Hlavac Anne EMERGING ARTIST: 2D
370 Huang Vivian Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
98 Hunt-Frank Sarah 3d functional: ceramics
402 Jackson Matthew 2D: Digital
100 Kim Seung Jae Photo black and white
316 King Jot Jewelry
386 Krejci John Photography
206 Lassak James & Belladora 3d functional: ceramics
123 Lindner Linda 3D Functional: Ceramics
398 Lukas Susan 2D: DIGITAL
208 Mark Thomas 3D Functional: Wood
384 Martin Shane Painting
431 Mason Barb Jewelry: Mixed Media
222 Mcgee Melvin Painting: Oil Paint
416 McLaughlin Lori Painting
378 Miklaszewski Marie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
380 Narolewska Iwona Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
207 Nelson Paul 2D Mixed Media
213 Ojeda Aureal Tea
396 Pankratz Adam Painting
412 Paternoster Jose Jewelry: Metals
226 Peters Paul & Kristen 3d functional: glass
372 Plichta Christina Painting: Oil Paint
204 Pscheid Thomas Photography: Color
376 Rabishaw Charmaine Ceramics
420 Redlin Liza 3D Non Functional Mixed Media
205 Rhead Jenny 2D: MIXED MEDIA
320 Roche Geryn 3D Functional Ceramics
407 Rubinstein Victoria 3D NON FUNCTIONAL: ceramics
102 Scales Jill 3D Functional: Fiber
220 Schmith Mary Jo 3D Functional: Ceramics
228 Sepich April 3D Functional: Mixed Media
104 Seubert Josh Drawing
423 Siciliano Thomas 2D: PAPER
314 Kari Kloc Ron Sieracki 3D FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
400 Kyle Smith Jenny 2D Mixed Media
421 Stickel Neil Photography
417 Theobald Rich 2D: Mixed Media
422 Tiry Patty Jewelry: Mixed Media
366 Tuck Ryan 2D: MIXED MEDIA
94 Waddington Elizabeth 2D: Watercolor
410 Wagner Steve 2D: Watercolor
322 Wewerka Steve Photo black and white and color
234 Fang Wilfred 2D: Mixed Media