2022 Lincolnshire Art Festival Artist List

See and Shop from these Artists!
Lindsey Alexander
Booth 226
Michael Benstein
Booth 233.5
John Blowers
Booth 122
William Boyle
Booth 121.5
Melanie Brown
Booth 242
Dawn Bryant
Booth 126
Terry Cunningham
Booth 202
Gary & Tyler David
Booth 124
Donna Fasano
Booth 263
Micah Felch
Booth 238
Julie Foster
Booth 207
Masako Ichikawa
Booth 200.5
Mike Gibson
Booth 239
Jenifer Hammond
Booth 217
Ali Hasmut
Booth 105
Vivian Huang
Booth 227
Nazneen Husain
Booth 230
Percy Roger Iglesias
Booth 254
Bogdan & Tina Janczura
Booth 225
Shawn Killackey
Booth 208
Jill Krieg
Booth 209
James & Belladora Lassak
Booth 237
Tina Leto
Booth 203
Shane Martin
Booth 120
Lori McLaughlin
Booth 215
Marie Miklaszewski
Booth 252
Jose Muenala Anguaya
Booth 212
Jolanta Nawrocka
Booth 247
Ronnis Oher
Booth 101
Armando Pedroso
Booth 103
Arthur Ragauskas & Vilma Birbilaite
Booth 249
Alaa Salman
Booth 200
Philip Schorn
Booth 240
Sam Seigel & Anthony Patti
Booth 210 Shop Now
Cheryl Sette
Booth 112
Chuck & Sandra Shumaker
Booth 218.7
Thomas Siciliano
Booth 222
Ron Sieracki & Kari Kloc
Booth 219
Barbara Smith
Booth 201
Ellen Swidler
Booth 216
Emre Tekeli & Ayse Ersin
Booth 121
Angie Thieszen
Booth 231
Bruce Van Inwegen Digital
Booth 107
Stacey Vest
Booth 241
Gary Wigman Sr
Booth 231.5
May Xiong
Booth 206
Booth #Last NameFirst NameArtShop
220 Alboher Lea 2D: Digital
226 Alexander Lindsey 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
214 Belokurova Maria Jewelry: Mixed Media
234 Benstein Barbara 2D: Pastel
233.5 Benstein Michael 2D: Wood
122 Blowers John Painting: Acrylic Paint
121.5 Boyle William 3d functional: wood
242 Brown Melanie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
126 Bryant Dawn Painting
233 Chevli Rita Jewelry: Metals
202 Cunningham Terry Jewelry: Mixed Media
124 David Gary & Tyler Wood
223 Driscoll Jessie & Dan Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
123 Emery Leslie 2D: Acrylic Resin
253 Farfan Paula 3D Functional Fiber
263 Fasano Donna 3D Functional: Wood
203.5 Kulak Tetyana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
207 Foster Julie Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
200.5 Ichikawa Masako Jewelry: Mixed Media
239 Gibson Mike Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
211 Grenier Bevill Ellen 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
118 Halvorsen Kenneth PAINTING: OIL PAINT
217 Hammond Jennifer 2D Mixed Media
105 Hasmut Ali Painting: Oil Paint
246 Horan Brian Photo black and white and color
227 Huang Vivian Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
230 Husain Nazneen
254 Iglesias Percy Roger Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
225 Janczura Bogdan & Tina Photography: Color
208 Killackey Shawn 2D: Acrylic Paint
209 Krieg Jill Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
237 Lassak James & Belladora 3d functional: ceramics
229 Lee Eric 2D: Digital
203 Leto Tina Photo: Black and White
120 Martin Shane Painting
215 McLaughlin Lori Painting
252 Miklaszewski Marie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
212 Muenala Anguaya Jose Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
247 Nawrocka Jolanta
101 Oher Ronnis 2D: Mixed Media
242.5 Papaioannou Sheila Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
108 Parisi Nicole Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
103 Pedroso Armando 2D: MIXED MEDIA
249 RAGAUSKAS ARTHUR Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
235 Ranganath Rashmi PAINTING: MIXED MEDIA
218 Rujuwa Peter 3D Non-Functional: Stone
200 Salman Alaa Acrylic Painting
240 Schorn Philip 2D: DRAWING
102 Schubert David PAINTING: OIL PAINT
210 Anthony Patti Sam Seigel & 3D Functional: Metals
112 Sette Cheryl 2D: Mixed Media
243/244 Sharp James 3D Functional: Fiber
218.7 Shumaker Chuck & Sandra 2d: wood
222 Siciliano Thomas 2D: PAPER
219 Kari Kloc Ron Sieracki 3D FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
201 Smith Barbara Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
300/301 Sorenson Al Painting: Acrylic Paint
218.5 Stoltz Ravit Jewelry: Mixed Media
216 Swidler Ellen 3D Functional: Mixed Media
121 Tekeli Emre Jewelry: Metals
231 Thieszen Angie Painting
107 Van Inwegen Digital Bruce Digital
241 Vest Stacey Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
106 Wecker Marylou Painting: Watercolor
232 Wewerka Steve Photo black and white and color
231.5 Wigman Sr Gary 2D Watercolor
206 Xiong May 3D Functional: Ceramics