2022 Millennium Art Festival

See and Shop from these Artists!
Fred Albrecht
Booth 97.5
Cameron Allen
Booth 22.5
Jennifer Ardolino
Booth 6
Alejandra Avila
Booth 107
Amine Badr
Booth 101
Frank Baer
Booth 117
Kim Barnard
Booth 183
Steve Bines
Booth 158
Justin Bollini
Booth 178
Richard Borden & Patricia Disantis
Booth 152 Shop Now
Chris Bravo
Booth 35
Anita Brett
Booth 99
Kelsey Burchett
Booth 160
Lee Burstein
Booth 23
Marco Bustillos
Booth 47
Soo Chang
Booth 116
Helen Chen
Booth 13.5
Jayne Colwill
Booth 102
Steve Connell
Booth 181
Terry Cunningham
Booth 51
Troy & Tish Daniel
Booth 180
Micah Felch
Booth 26
Roberto Ferrer
Booth 21.5
Masako Ichikawa
Booth 48
Julio Garcia
Booth 58.5
Carolina Garzon & Miguel Cardenas
Booth 65 Shop Now
Mayolo Haro
Booth 164
Ali Hasmut
Booth 13
Murray Henderson
Booth 16/17
Vivian Huang
Booth 182
Abbas Husain & Noreen Walls
Booth 34
Percy Roger Iglesias
Booth 161
Fred Imhoff
Booth 108
Devin Johnson
Booth 119
Rebecca Kay
Booth 99.5
Jay Kim
Booth 63
Seung Jae Kim
Booth 29
Elizabeth Kline
Booth 112
Kristen Kramlich
Booth 41
Promila Kumar
Booth 32
Sarah Landon
Booth 43.5
James & Belladora Lassak
Booth 162
Edwin Lester
Booth 36
Sara Letsch
Booth 163
Glen Lowry
Booth 8/9
Scott Maki
Booth 7
Veronica Martens
Booth 21.5
Shane Martin
Booth 179
Ruben Medina
Booth 105
Kyle Michel
Booth 103/104
Jesi Naomi
Booth 23.5
Iwona Narolewska
Booth 61
Jolanta Nawrocka
Booth 37
Joy O’Connor
Booth 12
Saya Okayama
Booth 157
Liliana Olmos
Booth 28.5
Miroslava Palavicini
Booth 107.5
Jose Paternoster
Booth 190.5
Luis Perez
Booth 15
Kim & Jane Peterson
Booth 173
Jim & Cindy Pierson
Booth 3
JC Pino
Booth 109
Amanda Pohlman
Booth 114.5
Marissa Recker
Booth 189/190
Gwendolyn Redfern
Booth 45.5
Mengxi Li & Jordan Reznicek
Booth 62.5
Roy & Vivian Rodriguez
Booth 38
Michael Rotsch
Booth 57
Leonor San Sebastian
Booth 191
Noah Sanders
Booth 175
Pratibha Sane
Booth 174
Sher Schier
Booth 106
Jeffrey Schult
Booth 25.5
Ester Scotte
Booth 11.5
Josh Seubert
Booth 159
Ron Sieracki & Kari Kloc
Booth 187
Patrick Slagle
Booth 44
Angie Spears
Booth 17.5
Maia Stern
Booth 7.5
Neil Stickel
Booth 42
Bryon Sutherland
Booth 18
Bernadette Szajna
Booth 104.5
Angie Thieszen
Booth 166
Bruce Van Inwegen Digital
Booth 49
Lara Venema
Booth 27
John Vise
Booth 156
Cheryl Ward
Booth 62
Steven Ward
Booth 155
Felton Weller
Booth 113
Yvette Wesley
Booth 114
Jean Williams
Booth 115
Thomas Williams
Booth 20.5
W Scott Wilson
Booth 52.5
Jeff Zoellner
Booth 12.5
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
54 Akese-Burney Jennifer 3D Functional: Fiber
97.5 Albrecht Fred 3D Non Functional: Mixed Media
22.5 Cameron Allen 3D Non-Functional: Metals
6 Ardolino Jennifer 2D: Watercolor
107 Avila Alejandra 3D Functional: Leather
154 Axelrod Ande Jewelry : Mixed Media
101 Badr Amine
117 Baer Frank
183 Barnard Kim 3D Functional
46 Belokurova Maria Jewelry: Mixed Media
158 Bines Steve 3D Non Functional Mixed Media
178 Bollini Justin Wood
152 Patricia Disantis Richard Borden & 2D: Mixed Media
35 Bravo Chris Photography
99 Brett Anita 2D: WATERCOLOR
160 Burchett Kelsey 3D Functional Fiber
23 Burstein Lee 2D: Mixed Media
47 Bustillos Marco
116 Chang Soo Painting: Acrylic Paint
13.5 Chen Helen Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
102 Colwill Jayne Jewelry: Metals
181 Connell Steve 2D Digital
51 Cunningham Terry Jewelry: Mixed Media
180 Daniel Troy & Tish 3D FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
4 Dennison Jd Photo color
21.5 Ferrer Roberto 3D Non Functional: Wood
21 Fincher Scott Photo black and white and color
5 Fischer Val Painting: Acrylic Paint
48 Ichikawa Masako Jewelry: Mixed Media
58.5 Garcia Julio 2D: Mixed Media
65 Miguel Cardenas Carolina Garzon & Painting: Mixed Media
164 Haro Mayolo 3D Functional: Wood
98 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
13 Hasmut Ali Painting: Oil Paint
16/17 Henderson Murray Painting
64 Hersch Mark Photography: Color & Black & White
24.5 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
45 Hickey Terri Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
182 Huang Vivian Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
34 Noreen Walls Abbas Husain & 2D: Printmaking
161 Iglesias Percy Roger Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
108 Imhoff Fred Jewelry
111.5 Jackson Victoria PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
184 Jahraus Jon 2D: Drawing
119 Johnson Devin Jewelry: Mixed Media
110/111 Kadmiri Aziz PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
99.5 Kay Rebecca 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
58 Kerr Deborah Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
63 Kim Jay 3D Non Functional Metals
29 Kim Seung Jae Photo black and white
112 Kline Elizabeth Jewelry: Metals
22 Kraig Jack Photo: Color
41 Kramlich Kristen Jewelry
43.5 Landon Sarah Painting: Acrylic Paint
162 Lassak James & Belladora 3d functional: ceramics
36 Lester Edwin Painting: Oil Paint
163 Letsch Sara Jewelry
8/9 Lowry Glen 2D Printmaking
50 Luciano Zsuzsanna Photography: Color
7 Maki Scott 2D: DRAWING
14 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
21.5 Martens Veronica Jewelry: Wood
179 Martin Shane Painting
11 Mason Dorothy Painting: Mixed Media
105 Medina Ruben 3d non functional: sculpture
103/104 Michel Kyle Painting
177 Mullaney Lauren
23.5 Naomi Jesi Painting
61 Narolewska Iwona Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
37 Nawrocka Jolanta
157 Okayama Saya 2D Mixed Media
28.5 Olmos Liliana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
107.5 Palavicini Miroslava 3d functional: leather
185 Parisi Nicole Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
190.5 Paternoster Jose Jewelry: Metals
15 Perez Luis
173 Peterson Kim & Jane 3D NON FUNCTIONAL: ceramics
3 Pierson Cindy Jewelry: Mixed Media
109 Pino JC
114.5 Pohlman Amanda Jewelry: Mixed Media
100 Rasmussen Jay Photo: Color
189/190 Recker Marissa Painting
45.5 Redfern Gwendolyn 2D: Watercolor
25 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
62.5 Reznicek Mengxi Li & Jordan 3d functional: leather
38 Rodriguez Roy 2D: Mixed Media
9.5 Rujuwa Peter 3D Non-Functional: Stone
191 San Sebastian Leonor Ceramics
175 Sanders Noah 2D: Mixed Media
174 Sane Pratibha Painting
55.5 Sauvageau Eric 2D: MIXED MEDIA
106 Schier Sher 2D: MIXED MEDIA
25.5 Schult Jeffrey Painting
20 Schuning Peggy 2D: MIXED MEDIA
11.5 Scotte Ester 2D: Mixed Media
159 Seubert Josh Drawing
176 Shanas Bonnie 3D Non-Functional: Metals
187 Kari Kloc Ron Sieracki 3D FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
44 Slagle Patrick PAINTING: OIL PAINT
17.5 Spears Angie 2D: MIXED MEDIA
7.5 Stern Maia 3d functional: glass
42 Stickel Neil Photography
18 Sutherland Bryon 3d non functional: glass
104.5 Szajna Bernadette
59/60 Thaddeus Peter 2D: Acrylic Paint
166 Thieszen Angie Painting
49 Van Inwegen Digital Bruce Digital
27 Venema Lara Painting
156 Vise John 3D Non Functional Mixed Media
165 Waite William 3D Functional: Wood
62 Ward Cheryl 2D: Mixed Media
155 Ward Steven Painting: Acrylic Paint
113 Weller Felton painting: acrylic resin
114 Wesley Yvette
115 Williams Jean
20.5 Williams Thomas PAINTING: OIL PAINT
52.5 Wilson Scott Painting: Oil
12.5 Zoellner Jeff Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver