Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2022 Port Clinton Art Festival

Artist List & Booth Numbers
David Abrahamson
Booth 610/612
Evan Abrahamson
Booth 510
Alfred Addo
Booth 614/616
R. L. Alexander
Booth 103
Kristen Alice
Booth 352
David Alvardo
Booth 509
Amos Amit
Booth 406
Stephanee Ann
Booth 239
Jennifer Ardolino
Booth 417/419
Booth 240
Amine Badr
Booth 332
Marcy Bates
Booth 621
Eric Beauchamp
Booth 345
Sara Beck & Craig Roderick
Booth 607
Jerry Bergin
Booth 353/355
Sher Berman
Booth 203
Chelsea Bird
Booth 418
Daniel Bondroff
Booth 533
George Bragg
Booth 413
Kwang Cha Brown
Booth 526
Lee Burstein
Booth 330
Marco Bustillos
Booth 235
Andrew Butler
Booth 307/309
John Carman
Booth 440
Camille Carr
Booth 618
Abbigail Carrio
Booth 354
Booth 434
Soo Chang
Booth 217
Rich Conti
Booth 237
Stella Coupe
Booth 308
Gary & Tyler David
Booth 210
Alli Farkas
Booth 221
Paul Farmer
Booth 401
Micah Felch
Booth 512
Scott Fishman
Booth 119
Pam Fox
Booth 402
Laura Gannarelli
Booth 431
Carolina Garzon & Miguel Cardenas
Booth 101 Shop Now
Jamison Glisczinski
Booth 312
David Gordon
Booth 106/108
Jermey & Chelsea Griffith
Booth 328
Melissa Hampton
Booth 506
C A & Nina Harris
Booth 428
Geoffery Aaron Harris
Booth 613
Chris Hartsfield
Booth 504
Daryl Harwood
Booth 415
Ali Hasmut
Booth 100.5
Karen Heuton
Booth 410
Aubrey Hogan
Booth 207
Elizabeth Holliday
Booth 421
Mina Hsing
Booth 622
Kelly Jacobson
Booth 318
Chris Jensen
Booth 346
Leslie Kaplan
Booth 226
Jacob Keleher
Booth 310
Shano Kelley
Booth 411
Jay Kim
Booth 420
Seung Jae Kim
Booth 233
Kenneth Kudulis
Booth 120/122
Ira Lances
Booth 104
Jennifer Lashbrook
Booth 219
Tina Leto
Booth 224
Henry Levine
Booth 205
Glenn Lewis
Booth 329
Booth 522/524
Oscar Matos Linares
Booth 505/507
Susan Littman
Booth 623
Wenwen Manfred
Booth 604
Ancizar Marin
Booth 102
Shane Martin
Booth 201
Scott Matyjaszek
Booth 605
William McCarthy
Booth 427
Jim & Karen McCollum
Booth 525
Stephanie McDairmant
Booth 414
Maykel Medina
Booth 347
David Melnick
Booth 422
Joan Michlin & Skip Ennis
Booth 225/227
Renata Mikota
Booth 407
Yvonne Miller & Stefan Hochhuber
Booth 206
Annie Mohaupt & Justin Walker
Booth 500.5
Andrew Mosedale
Booth 313
Brian Murphy
Booth 216
Chawn Murrah
Booth 105
Jesi Naomi
Booth 124
Rachael Newman
Booth 341/343
A Cesar Noguiera
Booth 501
J David Norton
Booth 531
Peter Novak
Booth 620
Jon Offutt
Booth 100/100.2
Saya Okayama
Booth 516
Liliana Olmos
Booth 325
Scott Olson
Booth 619
Ken Orton
Booth 228
Armando Pedroso
Booth 515
Tim Peters
Booth 416
Sally Phillips
Booth 405
Reza Pishgahi
Booth 425
Randy & Kitsana Polk
Booth 608
Steven Potts
Booth 408
Arthur Ragauskas & Vilma Birbilaite
Booth 535/537
Ralph Rankin
Booth 609
Agnes Rathonyi
Booth 121
Marissa Recker
Booth 542/544
Bruce Reinfeld
Booth 538
Roy & Vivian Rodriguez
Booth 112/114
Ryan Roessler
Booth 126/128
Dale Rogers
Booth 315
Michael Rotsch
Booth 116/118
Shekina Rudoy
Booth 327
Matthew Rucker
Booth 209
Carol Ryan
Booth 528
Pratibha Sane
Booth 115
David Scherer
Booth 214
Diane Seeman
Booth 340
Petty Shepard & Mary Otieno
Booth 324
Dane Shue
Booth 223
Melissa Shuttlesworth
Booth 520/520.5
Thomas Siciliano
Booth 523
Ezra Siegal
Booth 360
Toby Skov
Booth 107
Patrick Slagle
Booth 617
Woody & Judy Smith
Booth 218
Sarella Suarez
Booth 350
Bryon Sutherland
Booth 220
Howard Tatar
Booth 500
Angie Thieszen
Booth 230
Alla Tsank
Booth 117
Kimberly Tschida Petters
Booth 403
Bruce Van Inwegen Digital
Booth 529
Melynda Van Zee
Booth 536
Lara Venema
Booth 349
Jeff Victor
Booth 503
Ronald Vieceli
Booth 433
Danilo Vinardell & Igris Morales
Booth 348 Shop Now
Tyler Wagner
Booth 518
Jill Wagoner
Booth 222
GM Webb
Booth 615
Tim Weldon
Booth 438
Felton Weller
Booth 539
Bradly Williams
Booth 412
Lisa Williams
Booth 311
D. Arthur Wilson
Booth 212
Lisa Wilson
Booth 213
Dora Winchester
Booth 215
Anne Wooster & Steven Peaslee
Booth 202
Lidia Wylangowska
Booth 242
Nestor Yulfo
Booth 301
Michael Zavison & Melanie Rolfes
Booth 514
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
610/612 Abrahamson David Painting: Acrylic Paint
510 Abrahamson Evan Painting: Oil Paint
614/616 Addo Alfred PAINTING: MIXED MEDIA
211 Alboher Lea 2D: Digital
103 Alexander R. L. Painting: Oil Paint
352 Alice Kristen Painting
110 Allison Diane Jewelry: glass
509 Alvardo David Jewelry
406 Amit Amos 2D: Batik
239 Ann Stephanee Painting: Oil Paint
611 Arango Andres 3D Functional: Leather
417/419 Ardolino Jennifer 2D: Watercolor
332 Badr Amine
208 Bank Carla Painting: Acrylic Resin
621 Bates Marcy 3d non functional: paper
345 Beauchamp Eric 2D: Wood
607 Beck and Roderick Sara and Craig Photo: Black and White and Color
353/355 Bergin Jerry Painting
203 Berman Sher Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
534 Bernhardt Justin 2D: Digital
418 Bird Chelsea Jewelry: Gold/Silver
533 Bondroff Daniel 2D: Mixed Media
413 Bragg George 2d: MIXED MEDIA
526 Brown Kwang Cha Painting: Oil Paint
430 Brown Michael 2D: Print Making
330 Burstein Lee 2D: Mixed Media
235 Bustillos Marco
307/309 Butler Andrew Photo: Color
618 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
354 Carrio Abbigail Painting
434 Cebula Lynn 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
217 Chang Soo Painting: Acrylic Paint
237 Conti Rich 3D Functional: Wood
429 Cooley Richard 3D Non-Functional: Metals
308 Coupe Stella 2D: MIXED MEDIA
303 Dahlstrom Dick 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
210 David Gary & Tyler Wood
204 Delgado Lilian Painting: Oil Paint
513 Dennison Jd Photo color
527 Easley Jeff 3D Functional: Wood
409/409.5 Emery Leslie 2D: Acrylic Resin
221 Farkas Alli Painting: Oil Paint
401 Farmer Paul Jewelry: Gold/Silver
517 Fisher Toril PAINTING: OIL PAINT
119 Fishman Scott Photo color
402 Fox Pam Jewelry Maker: Gold and/or Silver
431 Gannarelli Laura Painting
101 Miguel Cardenas Carolina Garzon & Painting: Mixed Media
312 Glisczinski Jamison 3d non functional: metal
106/108 Gordon David Painting: Oil Paint
502 Gougenheim Isabelle 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
328 GRIFFITH JEREMY 3D Functional: Glass
356/358 Grimmer Alex 2D: Mixed Media
331/333 Halvorsen Kenneth PAINTING: OIL PAINT
241 Hamilton Pam Painting: Acrylic Paint
506 Hampton Melissa JEWELRY: GOLD AND SILVER
339 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
428 Harris C A and Nina 3D Functional: Leather
613 Harris Geoffrey Aaron 2D Digital
504 Hartsfield Chris 2D: Acrylic
415 Harwood Daryl 2D: MIXED MEDIA
100.5 Hasmut Ali Painting: Oil Paint
111 Hersch Mark Photography: Color & Black & White
519 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
410 Heuton Karen Painting: Acrylic Paint
207 Hogan Aubrey 2d: wood
421 Holliday Elizabeth 3D Functional: Fiber
622 Hsing Mina 2D: Mixed Media
234/232 Jackson Victoria PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
318 Jacobson Kelly Jewelry: Metals
346 Jensen Chris Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
200 Johnston Mary Painting: Oil Paint
342/342.5 Jones Darren 2D: Mixed Media
236/238 Kadmiri Aziz PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
226 Kaplan Leslie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
310 Keleher Jacob Jewelry: Gold and Silver
411 Kelley Shano Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
420 Kim Jay 3D Non Functional Metals
233 Kim Seung Jae Photo black and white
323 Kraig Jack Photo: Color
314 Krawez Gina 2D: Acrylic Paint
120/122 Kudulis Kenneth Painting: Acrylic Paint
104 Lances Ira 3D Functional Fiber
219 Lashbrook Jennifer 2D: Paper
304/306 Lawler Shelly Photo: color
508 Lee Eric 2D: Digital
224 Leto Tina Photo: Black and White
205 Levine Henry 2D: Glass
329 Lewis Glenn Photo color
522/524 Li Li
505/507 Linares Oscar Matos Photography: Color
623 Littman Susan 2D: DIGITAL
604 Manfred Wenwen Painting
102 Marin Ancizar 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
201 Martin Shane Painting
502.5 Mason Barb Jewelry: Mixed Media
432 Mason Dorothy Painting: Mixed Media
605 Matyjaszek Scott 2D: Mixed Media
427 MCCARTHY WILLIAM Painting: Oil Paint
525 Mccollum Jim & Karen Photo black and white and color
414 McDairmant Stephanie PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
347 2D: Mixed Media
422 Melnick David Jewelry: Gold/Silver
109 Mensa-Aborampa Kwame EMERGING ARTIST: PAINTING
225/227 MICHLIN JOAN Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
407 Mikota Renata Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
206 Miller & Hochhuber Yvonne & Stefan 2D Mixed Media
500.5 Mohaupt & Walker Annie & Justin
313 Mosedale Andrew 2D: Digital
216 MURPHY BRIAN Painting: Oil Paint
105 Murrah Chawn 2D: MIXED MEDIA
511 Musick-Makely Meg 3D Functional: Leather
124 Naomi Jesi Painting
502.7 Nehring Robert 3D Non-Functional: Metals
341/343 Newman Rachael PAINTING: OIL PAINT
501 Nogueira A. Cesar 3D Non Functional: Stone
531 Norton J David 3D Non Functional Glass
620 Novak Peter
444 Nuez Xavier Photo color
100/100.2 Offutt Jon 3D Functional Glass
516 Okayama Saya 2D Mixed Media
325 Olmos Liliana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
619 Olson Scott 2D: Mixed Media
228 Orton Ken
601/603 Parisi Nicole Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
515 Pedroso Armando 2D: MIXED MEDIA
416 Peters Tim 3d functional: ceramics
405 Phillips Sally 2D: Metals
425 Pishgahi Reza 3D Non Functional: Glass
608 Polk Randy Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
408 Potts Steven 2D: Wood
535/537 RAGAUSKAS ARTHUR Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
609 Rankin Ralph 2D: Digital
121 Rathonyi Agnes 2D: Mixed Media
542/544 Recker Marissa Painting
426 Reed Aaron 2D: Drawing
600/602 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
538 Reinfeld Bruce Photo black and white and color
112/114 Rodriguez Roy 2D: Mixed Media
126/128 Roessler Ryan
315 Rogers Dale 3d non functional: metals
116/118 Rotsch Michael PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
327 Rudoy Shekina 3D Functional: Fiber
209 Rucker Matthew PAINTING: OIL PAINT
336 Ruiz Leon 2D: Acrylic Paint
344 Rujuwa Peter 3D Non-Functional: Stone
528 Ryan Carol 2D: Acrylic Resin
115 Sane Pratibha Painting
338 Sauvageau Eric 2D: MIXED MEDIA
214 Scherer David 3D Functional: Mixed Media
231 Schmith Mary Jo 3D Functional: Ceramics
326 Shanas Bonnie 3D Non-Functional: Metals
324 Mary Otieno Petty Shepard & 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
223 Shue Dane 2D: Mixed Media
520/520.5 Shuttlesworth Melissa 2D: Digital
523 Siciliano Thomas 2D: PAPER
360 Siegal Ezra
107 Skov Toby Photo black and white and color
617 Slagle Patrick PAINTING: OIL PAINT
218 Smith Woody & Judy 2d: wood
357 Spraul Barbara Painting: Oil Paint
404 Stelter Nicholas 3d non functional: glass
113 Stoltz Ravit Jewelry: Mixed Media
350 Suarez Sarella Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
220 Sutherland Bryon 3d non functional: glass
500 Tatar Howard Photo black and white and color
230 Thieszen Angie Painting
117 Tsank Alla Painting: Oil Paint
403 Tschida Petters Kimberly Painting
436 Tuck Ryan 2D: MIXED MEDIA
529 Van Inwegen Digital Bruce Digital
349 Venema Lara Painting
503 Victor Jeff Photography: Color
348 Igris Morales Danilo Vinardell & PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
518 Wagner Tyler Painting
222 Wagoner Jill 3D Functional Fiber
615 Webb GM 3d non functional: metal
316 Weinreb Barbara Jewelry: Metals
438 Weldon Tim 2D Mixed Media
539 Weller Felton painting: acrylic resin
321 Wewerka Steve Photo black and white and color
400 Widman Diana Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
606 Wilbat James 3D Non-Functional: Glass
412 Williams Bradly Jewelry: Gold/Silver
311 Williams Lisa Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
212 Wilson D. Arthur Drawing
213 Wilson Lisa Painting
215 Winchester Dora JEWELRY: GOLD AND SILVER
202 Wooster Anne 2d: printmaking
305 Wright Carla PAINTING: OIL PAINT
242 Wylangowska Lidia Painting: Oil Paint
301 Yulfo Nestor 2D: Mixed Media
514 Rolfes Zavison 2D: Mixed Media