2022 Whitefish Bay Art Fest

See and Shop from these Artists!

Booth Numbers are Subject to Change

Kristen Alice
Booth 307
Abbie Ansburg
Booth 328
Javier Baron
Booth 318
Brooke Minton
Booth 337
Rolley Bateman III
Booth 215
Richard Bemis
Booth 103
Lori Biwer-Stewart
Booth 303
Mark Bogatitus
Booth 313
Thomas Buchs
Booth 212
Cherie Burbach
Booth 106
Amy L Butts
Booth 312
Jacqueline Cabessa Redlich
Booth 207 Shop Now
Camille Carr
Booth 206
Sergey Cherep
Booth 300
Venus Cramer
Booth 203.5
Israel Deutsch
Booth 102
Mark & Donna Dreyer
Booth 104
Ken & Mary Englebert
Booth 317
Thom Ertl
Booth 105
Sarah Eslyn
Booth 110
Barbra Espey
Booth 209
Micah Felch
Booth 122
Masako Ichikawa
Booth 127
Amber Gavin
Booth 108
Suzanne Gernandt
Booth 305
Mike Gibson
Booth 214
Gage Granzow
Booth 306
Rhonda Gurgone
Booth 100.5
Chris Hartsfield
Booth 219
Ali Hasmut
Booth 308
Karen Heuton
Booth 218
Jane Johnson
Booth 301
Joseph Kalies
Booth 112
Lisa Kangas
Booth 114
Joe Kiefer
Booth 339
Alex Lanier
Booth 101
James & Belladora Lassak
Booth 116
Julie Leutloff
Booth 107
Bambi Lint
Booth 200/200.2
Thomas Mark
Booth 113
Shane Martin
Booth 314
Birdie McBride
Booth 210
Marie Miklaszewski
Booth 121
Jose Muenala Anguaya
Booth 100
Iwona Narolewska
Booth 213
Aureal Ojeda
Booth 201.5
Paul & Kristen Peters
Booth 115
Christina Plichta
Booth 111
Amanda Pohlman
Booth 124
Thomas Pscheid
Booth 315
Julie Rhodes
Booth 201/201.2
Geryn Roche
Booth 336/338
Alaa Salman
Booth 101.5
Elvia Savage
Booth 125
Babs Schnabl
Booth 202/202.5
David Sear
Booth 322
Sam Seigel & Anthony Patti
Booth 211 Shop Now
April Sepich
Booth 333
Josh Seubert
Booth 123
Scott Sternberg
Booth 109
Susan Straus
Booth 123.5
Sarella Suarez
Booth 117
Bernadette Szajna
Booth 319
Kelly Tate
Booth 130
Robert Wilkens
Booth 133
Ari & Yuliya Wolf
Booth 204
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
307 Alice Kristen Painting
328 Ansburg Abbie Painting: Oil Paint
208 Aschinger Skeeter 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
324 Averhart Michele Jewelry Maker: Mixed Media
318 Baron Javier Jewelry
337 Minton Brooke 3D Functional: Stone
215 Bateman III Rolley Painting: Acrylic Paint
321 Belokurova Maria Jewelry: Mixed Media
103 Bemis Richard 3d functional: wood
303 Biwer-Stewart Lori 2D Print Making
313 Bogatitus Mark Wood
212 Buchs Thomas Painting
106 Burbach Cherie
312 Butts Amy Jewelry: Gold and/or Silver
205 Bye Cynthia 2D: Fiber
207 Cabessa Redlich Jacqueline 2D: Acrylic Paint
206 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
300 Cherep Sergey PAINTING: OIL PAINT
203.5 Cramer Venus Jewelry: Gold and/or Silver
102 Deutsch Israel 3d non functional: mixed media
104 Dreyer Mark & Donna 3D FUNCTIONAL: MIXED MEDIA
335 Edgar Kevin 3d functional: mixed media
317 Englebert Ken & Mary Wood
105 Ertl Thom 2D: MIXED MEDIA
110 Eslyn Sarah 3D Non Functional Fiber
209 Espey Barbra 3D Functional: Mixed Media
131 Kulak Tetyana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
316 Forst Beth Painting: Oil Paint
127 Ichikawa Masako Jewelry: Mixed Media
108 Gavin Amber 3D Functional Ceramics
305 Gernandt Suzanne PAINTING: ACRYLIC PAINT
214 Gibson Mike Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
306 Granzow Gabe Wood
100.5 Gurgone Rhonda Jewelry Designer: Metals
219 Hartsfield Chris 2D: Acrylic
308 Hasmut Ali Painting: Oil Paint
122.5 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
218 Heuton Karen Painting: Acrylic Paint
334 Holaday William 2D: Pastel
310 Hunt-Frank Sarah 3d functional: ceramics
301 Johnson Jane 2D: Acrylic Paint
112 Kalies Joseph Wood
101 Lanier Alex 2D Digital
116 Lassak James & Belladora 3d functional: ceramics
107 Leutloff Julie Jewelry: Mixed Media
200/200.2 Lint Bambi Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
217 Luciano Zsuzsanna Photography: Color
113 Mark Thomas 3D Functional: Wood
120 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
314 Martin Shane Painting
210 McBride Birdie Mixed Media
121 Miklaszewski Marie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
100 Muenala Anguaya Jose Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
213 Narolewska Iwona Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
201.5 Ojeda Aureal Tea
115 Peters Paul & Kristen 3d functional: glass
111 Plichta Christina Painting: Oil Paint
124 Pohlman Amanda Jewelry: Mixed Media
315 Pscheid Thomas Photography: Color
200.5 Rasmussen Jay Photo: Color
331 Reed Aaron 2D: Drawing
201/201.2 Rhodes Julie 2D Glass
336/338 Roche Geryn 3D Functional Ceramics
101.5 Salman Alaa Acrylic Painting
203 Schmith Mary Jo 3D Functional: Ceramics
202/202.5 Schnabl Babs 2D: Mixed Media
322 Sear David 2D Mixed Media
211 Anthony Patti Sam Seigel & 3D Functional: Metals
333 Sepich April 3D Functional: Mixed Media
123 Seubert Josh Drawing
109 Sternberg Scott Photo: Color
123.5 Straus Susan 3d functional: ceramics
117 Suarez Sarella Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
319 Szajna Bernadette
130 Tate Kelly Photography: Color & Black & White
302 Tuck Ryan 2D: MIXED MEDIA
133 Wilkens Robert Painting
204 Wolf Ari & Yuliya 3d functional: leather