Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2018 Festival of Fine Arts

Booth Numbers
Todd Babb
Booth 6
Kali Basi
Booth 59
Jenny Benscher
Booth 114
Sher Berman
Booth 61
Mark Billman
Booth 109
Jean Bordelon
Booth 46
Richard Borden & Patricia Disantis
Booth 67 Shop Now
Kwang Cha Brown
Booth 1
Amy L Butts
Booth 86
Terry Butler
Booth 2
Jacqueline Cabessa Redlich
Booth 26 Shop Now
Camille Carr
Booth 65.5
James Carroll
Booth 90
Robert & Michelle Casarietti
Booth 48 Shop Now
Grace Chin
Booth 47
Andrew Christen
Booth 101
Jeff Cohen
Booth 23
Candiss Cole
Booth 103
James Cole
Booth 98
Booth 53
Jim & Jo Cook
Booth 67.5+ Lawn
Reta Crawford
Booth 19
David Edmund
Booth 5
Pamela England & Frank Borelli
Booth 85
N. Irena Farejowicz
Booth 20
Roberto Ferrer
Booth 7
Rachael Fine
Booth 100
George Gabriel
Booth 95
Karen Gollhardt
Booth 50
Michelle & Tom Haden
Booth 89.3
Heather Hambrecht
Booth 68
Troy Harrison
Booth 89.4
Keith Herbrand and Glenn Woods
Booth 107
Patty Herrera
Booth 82
Anne Hoffman
Booth 21
Mina Hsing
Booth 14
Vivian Huang
Booth 28
Shamila Jiwa
Booth 63
Debra Katz Sampson
Booth 71
Rebecca Kay
Booth 89.2
Julie Latayan
Booth 83
Seung Jae Kim
Booth 64
Booth 60
Andrew Manaylo
Booth 42
Ancizar Marin
Booth 56
Joan Marhula
Booth 112
Melvin McGee
Booth 57
Renata Mikota
Booth 45
Kotah Moon
Booth 69
Jose Muenala Anguaya
Booth 90.5
Iwona Narolewska
Booth 70
Robin Nathan
Booth 62
Jackson Ocheltree
Booth 66
Ken Orton
Booth 51/52
Sam Seigel & Anthony Patti
Booth 80/81 Shop Now
Kathryn Pfeiffer
Booth 97
Reza Pishgahi
Booth 54
Judy Potrzeba
Booth 102
Bruce Reinfeld
Booth 58/62.5
Roy & Vivian Rodriguez
Booth 3
Raymond Ruggeri & Butch Harrison
Booth 18
Anne Rutt & Edson Enriquez
Booth 43
Lisa Shinkan
Booth 96
Natalie Steinmetz
Booth 105
Emre Tekeli & Ayse Ersin
Booth 71
Michael Thiele
Booth 89.5
Wade Thompson
Booth 17
Daniel Vidaillet
Booth 27
Angela Welti
Booth 19.5
Paul Wouk
Booth 113
Booth 72
Booth #Last NameFirst NameArtShop
10 Arango Andres 3D Functional: Leather
4 Aschinger Skeeter 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
6 Babb Todd 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
59 Basi Kali
114 Benscher Jenny Jewelry Designer: Leather
61 Berman Sher Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
109 Billman Mark Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
46 Bordelon Jean 2D: Digital
67 Patricia Disantis Richard Borden & 2D: Mixed Media
1 Brown Kwang Cha Painting: Oil Paint
86 Butts Amy Jewelry: Gold and/or Silver
2 Butler Terry 2D: Mixed Media
26 Cabessa Redlich Jacqueline 2D: Acrylic Paint
65.5 Carr Camille Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
90 Carroll James
48 Casarietti Robert & Michelle Painting: Acrylic Paint
47 Chin Grace Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
101 Christen Andrew 2D: Wood
23 Cohen Jeff Photo black and white and color
103 Cole Candiss 3D Functional: Fiber
98 Cole James Photo black and white and color
53 Connolly James 2D: Mixed Media
67.5+ Lawn Cook Jim &Amp; Jo 3D Functional: Metals
19 Crawford Reta 2D: Mixed Media
116 Delgado Lilian Painting: Oil Paint
5 STEINER DAVID 2D: Acrylic Resin
85 Frank Borelli Pamela England & 3D Functional: Leather
20 Farejowicz N. Irena 2D: Fiber
22 Kulak Tetyana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
7 Ferrer Roberto 3D Non Functional: Wood
100 Fine Rachael 3D Functional: Fiber
95 Gabriel George 3D Functional: Metals
50 Gollhardt Karen Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
89.7 Gougenheim Isabelle 3D FUNCTIONAL: FIBER
89.3 Haden Michelle 3D Functional: Fiber
68 Hambrecht Heather 3D Functional: Leather
106 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
89.4 Harrison Troy Photo: Color
107 Herbrand and Woods Keith and Glenn 3d functional: ceramics
82 Herrera Patty 2D: Fiber
25 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
84 Hickey Terri Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
21 Hoffman Anne 3D Functional: Glass
115 Horn Dale And Gail Horn Photography: Color
14 Hsing Mina 2D: Mixed Media
28 Huang Vivian Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
63 Jiwa Shamila Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
71 Sampson Debra Katz 3D Functional: Ceramics
89.2 Kay Rebecca 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
83 Latayan Julie
64 Kim Seung Jae Photo black and white
44 Lawler Shelly Photo: color
24 Leintz Tanya Painting: Mixed Media
60 Livne Smadar Painting: Mixed Media
42 Manaylo Andrew Painting: Oil Paint
56 Marin Ancizar 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
112 Marhula Joan 2D: Mixed Media
57 Mcgee Melvin Painting: Oil Paint
45 Mikota Renata Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
69 Moon Kotah 3D Non Functional: Metals
90.5 Muenala Anguaya Jose Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
70 Narolewska Iwona Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
62 Nathan Robin Jewelry Designer: Metals
66 Ocheltree Jackson 3D Non-Functional: Glass
51/52 Orton Ken
94 Papaioannou Sheila Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
8 Parisi Nicole Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
80/81 Anthony Patti Sam Seigel & 3D Functional: Metals
97 Pfeiffer Kathryn Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
54 Pishgahi Reza 3D Non Functional: Glass
102 Potrzeba Judy Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
11/12 Reed Aaron 2D: Drawing
13 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
58/62.5 Reinfeld Bruce Photo black and white and color
3 Rodriguez Roy 2D: Mixed Media
18 Ruggeri and Harrison Raymond and Butch 3D Functional: Mixed Media
66.5 Rujuwa Peter 3D Non-Functional: Stone
43 Rutt and Enriquez Anne and Edson Jewelry: Mixed Media
96 Shinkan Lisa Jewelry: Gold/Silver
105 Steinmetz Natalie 3D Functional: Ceramics
71 Tekeli Emre Jewelry: Metals
89.5 Thiele Michael
17 Thompson Wade 3D Functional: Wood
27 Vidaillet Daniel 3D Non-Functional: Metals
64.5 Waite William 3D Functional: Wood
19.5 Welti Angela Jewelry: Mixed Media
113 Wouk Paul 3D Non-Functional: Mixed Media
72 Yan Vern 2D: Fiber
63.5 Ranganath Rashmi PAINTING: MIXED MEDIA