Attention ArtistsBooth Numbers are subject to change. All artists are required to check-in before setting up at the festival.

2018 Millennium Art Festival

Booth Numbers
Fred Albrecht
Booth 102.5
Mary Arroyo-Ortiz
Booth 19
Alejandra Avila
Booth 7
Booth 171
Salem Barker
Booth 10
Juan Barreneche & Daniel Schemel
Booth 56
Kali Basi
Booth 110
Christine Bishop
Booth 163
Dragos Burghiu
Booth 161
Tracey Capone
Booth 116
Robert & Michelle Casarietti
Booth 24.5 Shop Now
Soo Chang
Booth 117
Helen Chen
Booth 100
Booth 15
James Cole
Booth 62
Mike Coleman
Booth 99
Kim Cullen
Booth 153/154
Cindy Cumming
Booth 45
John Denis
Booth 63
Christopher Doherty
Booth 51
Josiah Eidmann
Booth 31
Pamela England & Frank Borelli
Booth 114
N. Irena Farejowicz
Booth 40
Scott Fishman
Booth 60
Julie Furgat
Booth 158
Aaron Furuseth & Anh Nguyen
Booth 25
Julio Garcia
Booth 27
Carolina Garzon & Miguel Cardenas
Booth 106 Shop Now
Marelvi Gaxhaj
Booth 41
Mike Gibson
Booth 169
Booth 43
Heather Hambrecht
Booth 23
Ali Hasmut
Booth 112
Vivian Huang
Booth 160
Percy Roger Iglesias
Booth 162
Igors Irbe
Booth 168
Ann Jalsa
Booth 55
Devin Johnson
Booth 32
Jill Kerns & Candyce Richards
Booth 123
Seung Jae Kim
Booth 113
Betty Kirk
Booth 109
David Kring
Booth 9
Kenneth Kudulis
Booth 98
Sarah Landon
Booth 65
Kristen Langelier & Jessica McMillan
Booth 27.5
Ryan Lapeer
Booth 155
Steven Lloyd
Booth 1
Rezgar Mamandi
Booth 174
Andrew Manaylo
Booth 26
Ed Martin
Booth 59
Matthew Mayes
Booth 64
Justin & Melanie Mckenney
Booth 172 Shop Now
Kurt Merkel
Booth 108
Holly Morningstar
Booth 69
Jackie Mortillaro
Booth 175
Victoria Mountz
Booth 101
Jackson Ocheltree
Booth 36
Booth 14
Liliana Olmos
Booth 49
Roy Owens
Booth 53
Tiffany Piazza
Booth 120
John Post
Booth 156
Arthur Ragauskas & Vilma Birbilaite
Booth 44
Ken Reif
Booth 20
Raymond Ruggeri & Butch Harrison
Booth 6
Booth 34
Mamood Sabzi
Booth 176
Steve Schrier
Booth 57
Ester Scotte
Booth 67
Booth 17
Matthew Shields
Booth 4
Paz Sintes
Booth 164
Joseph Smigielski
Booth 22
Booth 13
Sarella Suarez
Booth 115
Laverne Thorpe
Booth 33
Holly Ulm
Booth 66
Daniel Vidaillet
Booth 2
Booth 105
W Scott Wilson
Booth 122.7
Lidia Wylangowska
Booth 46
May Xiong
Booth 166
Booth 121
Joe Zinn
Booth 5
Booth # Last Name First Name Art Shop
102.5 Albrecht Fred 3D Non Functional: Mixed Media
19 Arroyo-Ortiz Mary 2D: Mixed Media
7 Avila Alejandra 3D Functional: Leather
171 BARCENA SERGIO Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
10 Barker Salem 3D Non-Functional: Wood
56 Barreneche/Schemel Juan/Daniel 3D Functional: Mixed Media
110 Basi Kali
163 Bishop Christine Painting: Oil Paint
35.5 Bolen Vicki 2D: Mixed Media
161 Burghiu Dragos
116 Capone Tracey Photo black and white and color
24.5 Casarietti Robert & Michelle Painting: Acrylic Paint
117 Chang Soo Painting: Acrylic Paint
100 Chen Helen Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
119 Coglianese Matthew 2D: Digital
15 Cohen Jackie Jewelry: Gold/Silver
62 Cole James Photo black and white and color
153/154 Cullen Kim Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
45 Cumming Cindy 3D Functional: Fiber
3 Delgado Lilian Painting: Oil Paint
63 Denis John 3D Non Functional: Glass
8.5 Dennison Jd Photo color
51 Doherty Christopher Photo: Color
31 Eidmann Josiah 2D: Wood
114 Frank Borelli Pamela England & 3D Functional: Leather
40 Farejowicz N. Irena 2D: Fiber
28 Kulak Tetyana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
60 Fishman Scott Photo color
12 Fincher Scott Photo black and white and color
173 Fischer Val Painting: Acrylic Paint
104 Forestall Bob 3D Functional: Wood
158 Furgat Julie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
25 Furuseth Aaron 2D: Paper
27 Garcia Julio 2D: Mixed Media
106 Miguel Cardenas Carolina Garzon & Painting: Mixed Media
41 Gaxhaj Marelvi 3D Functional: Mixed Media
169 Gibson Mike Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
11 Grimmer Alex 2D: Mixed Media
43 GUZ JANUSZ Photo black and white and color
23 Hambrecht Heather 3D Functional: Leather
29 Harr Bobby 2D: Glass
112 Hasmut Ali Painting: Oil Paint
16 Hersch Mark Photography: Color & Black & White
68 Hess Heidi 3D Functional: Fiber
35 Hisir Kyle Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
160 Huang Vivian Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
162 Iglesias Percy Roger Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
168 Irbe Igors 2D: Digital
55 Jalsa Ann Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
54 Johnson Andrea 2D: Mixed Media
32 Johnson Devin Jewelry: Mixed Media
123 Kerns Jill Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
103 Kerr Deborah Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
113 Kim Seung Jae Photo black and white
109 Kirk Betty 3D Functional: Fiber
102 Kraig Jack Photo: Color
9 Kring David 3D Functional: Ceramics
98 Kudulis Kenneth Painting: Acrylic Paint
18 Lahvic Kevin Painting: Mixed Media
65 Landon Sarah Painting: Acrylic Paint
27.5 Jessica McMillan Kristen Langelier & 2D: Mixed Media
155 Lapeer Ryan 2D: Mixed Media
97 Lehman Lindsey Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
60.5 Llergo Karina Painting: Oil Paint
1 Lloyd Steven 2D: Metals
174 Mamandi Rezgar 3D Functional: Mixed Media
26 Manaylo Andrew Painting: Oil Paint
107 Marsella Candace Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
59 Martin Ed 3D Non Functional: Glass
64 Mayes Matthew Painting: Acrylic Paint
30 McDermid Dawn 2D: Fiber
172 Mckenney Justin 3D Functional: Ceramics
108 Merkel Kurt 2D: Mixed Media
8 Minuchin Marcos Photo: Black and White and Color
69 Morningstar Holly 2D: Watercolor
175 Mortillaro Jackie
101 Mountz Victoria Jewelry: Mixed Media
167 Nuez Xavier Photo color
36 Ocheltree Jackson 3D Non-Functional: Glass
14 Offord Heather Painting: Acrylic Resin
49 Olmos Liliana Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
53 Owens Roy
120 Piazza Tiffany Jewelry: Gold/Silver
156 Post John 2D: Wood
44 RAGAUSKAS ARTHUR Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
37 Reed Dana and Scott Jewelry Maker & Designer: Metals
20 Reif Ken Painting: Oil Paint
51.5 Rosengard Sue Jewelry Maker & Designer: Gold and/or Silver
6 Ruggeri and Harrison Raymond and Butch 3D Functional: Mixed Media
48 Rujuwa Peter 3D Non-Functional: Stone
34 Ryan Marcus Photo: Color
176 Sabzi Mamood
57 Schrier Steve 2D: Wood
67 Scotte Ester 2D: Mixed Media
17 Seeman Chris 2D: Metals
157 Sharp James 3D Functional: Fiber
4 Shields Matthew 3D Functional: Mixed Media
164 Sintes Paz Jewelry Designer: Mixed Media
22 Smigielski Joseph Painting: Oil Paint
13 Sobanski Greg 3D Functional: Mixed Media
115 Suarez Sarella Jewelry Designer: Gold and/or Silver
38 Tantillo Stephanie Jewelry Maker & Designer: Glass
39 Thaddeus Peter 2D: Acrylic Paint
33 Thorpe Laverne 3D Functional: Glass
66 Ulm Holly Jewelry Maker & Designer: Mixed Media
21 Ulman Jason Photo black and white and color
2 Vidaillet Daniel 3D Non-Functional: Metals
24 Vitale Caitlin Photo black and white and color
105 Vroom Wendy Photo color
111 Waite William 3D Functional: Wood
122.7 Wilson Scott Painting: Oil
46 Wylangowska Lidia Painting: Oil Paint
166 Xiong May 3D Functional: Ceramics
121 YU ZUXIN Painting: Acrylic Paint
5 Zinn Joe 3D Functional: Wood