Artist Statement
At a young age I was taught art of watercolor and hand-lettering by my mother who is also an artist. Since I have been developing my own style using those techniques and pairing them with hand-cut stained glass and gold wire. I create the artwork on the inside of the mat first then carefully choose the verse that I write on the mat making sure they compliment one another. The verses I select are inspirational and sometimes humorous written in a style I developed after years of being an artist. They range from Muhatma Ghandi's thought-provoking You must be the change you wish to see in the world ” to Laurel Thatcher Ulrichs witty Well-behaved women rarely make history. Each finished piece results in an original with its own separate personality. My artwork is a life-long process mirroring my own life and evolving every time I paint. Life is a great big canvas and I throw all the paint on it I can!”
Booth Numbers
Art at the Glen Town Center: 42