Artist Statement
My media is called Segmented Woodturning” and is a specialized type and style of woodturning done by only a few turners in the USA. Segmented turning creates bowls urns and other functional pieces by using small pieces of domestic and exotic woods combined into rings and layered together to create unique color patterns and designs. I use 26 different species of woods from 5 continents. A typical bowl can have anywhere from 40 to over 600 individual pieces of wood. Each piece is hand cut sanded and glued into a ring of 18 pieces. Every item is one of a kind numbered signed and lists the woods used on the bottom of the bowl. My pieces are intended to be both displayed as art and used as a functional piece. My company tag line is “Art You Can Use.” My inspiration comes from creating one of a kind pieces using the colors grain patterns and variations that nature gives me and sharing the resulting beauty with my clients.”
Booth Numbers
Port Clinton Art Festival: 241