Artist Statement
The creative process is something very powerful and integral to the balance” we strive for as human beings. When I'm in the shop shaping a piece of aluminum things either go as expected or become a “happy accident.” I have stopped trying to control my metal creations – each one has a life of its own and expresses itself alone. Copper stainless steel and aluminum each has a unique ability to capture and transmit texture unlike other materials. I hand grind layer upon layer of texture creating reliefs of mostly abstract movements. Some seem to mimic movement underwater while others resemble the rays of the sun and still others are very dimensional. I then mix my own unique recipe of dyes and paints each with a rich translucent character so as to let the texture shine through. It's then time to apply the color to the metal along with heat and different solvents so that a story appears on top of the base metal panel.”
Booth Numbers
Port Clinton Art Festival: 126