Artist Statement
Making jewelry has been a means of self expression for me since I was thirteen. Over the years my jewelry has gone through a continuous metamorphosis while I defined my technique and style. Currently I use anodized aluminum wire anodizing is a process to patina a rainbow of bright vibrant colors in all colors and gauges. From this wire I make funky colorful weightless and full of energy pieces. Each piece is handcrafted by me and my own design. Even some of my jewelry displays are made for specific displaying of pieces. Each piece is an original work of art and can be made on the spot for viewers.
Buffalo Grove Art Festival, Millennium Art Festival, Gold Coast Art Fair at Grant Park, The Great Midwest Art Fest
Booth Numbers
Gold Coast Art Fair at Grant Park: 459
Millennium Art Festival: 33.6
Buffalo Grove Art Festival: 34
The Great Midwest Art Fest: 46