Artist Statement
An ever evolving Shibori studio for 26 years hand dyeing discharging airbrushing 100% silk using the ancient Japanese techniques of Shibori. I am self taught with a passion for fiber and dyeing. Each work is hand manipulated using pipes board clamps and hand stitch resist methods. Often adding other techniques to achieve my goals. Constructions of finished pieces are pieced together or layered and sewn with floating pieces in between or raw appliqued leaving edges that are unfinished. I use acid dyes which are quick and satisfying. I begin with black or white silks. Often more than one process is used per panel creating visual depth. I follow the sophisticated and often eluding laws of simplicity. I am inspired by the earth and by color and pattern. I choose to represent nature in many ways and to convey the relationships between man and his world. the patterns of woods grain reeds at the rivers edge or ripples on the surface of wa”
Booth Numbers
Fall Festival of the Arts: TBA