Congratulations on your acceptance to the Port Clinton Art Festival Emerging Artist Program, August 28-29, 2021! We look forward to your participation. Please submit this form as soon as possible in order to reserve your space. Confirmation of your booth number and set up will be posted on our website before the festival. Please make sure that your email address is up to date as we will be sending you email updates about the festival as it gets closer. Your booth payment must be received before you will be assigned a space number. General information, including discounted hotels, is available on our website on the Artist Info section of our web site. The festival poster is available on our website as a JPG file to use for artists’ promotions.
- Select the 10′ by 10′ Emerging Artist Space and click “Add to Event Cart”.
- A window will pop up on your screen and then you will select “Proceed to Registration”.
- Fill out all the information, including special requests, corners, rentals, etc. and then click “Proceed to Payment Options”
- Fill out your payment information and click “Proceed to Finalize Registration”. This might take a few moments. Do NOT exit your screen or navigate away until you are at the confirmation page.
Set-up and Take Down Assistance can be added. This is one designated helper at set up or take down of the festival. The cost is $45 per 30 minutes.
8′ table. Dimensions are 8′ by 30″ and about 30″ in height. The tables are not covered. Please bring a table cover that covers to the ground. $20 per table rental.
Chair. Standard, white folding chair. $10 per chair rental.
Please pay on time to reserve your space. Artists registering and submitting payments after February 15, 2021 will incur a $20 late registration fee per show, if space allows.
Please copy this completed document for your records and mark your calendar for payment plan due dates, if it applies. No other invoices or reminders will be sent to you. Thank you.
You are automatically accepted to, our online eCommerce site where you can sell your art 24/7! To participate, Just click here, upload your images, and start selling now! It only takes 5 minutes. Call us if you have any questions at 847-926-4300!
In consideration of being an exhibitor at the 2021 Port Clinton Art Festival (“Festival” or “Show”), the undersigned agrees as follows:
All Rules relating to the Show will be followed and complied with, including but not limited to:
- Floor coverings must be securely taped down to minimize tripping hazards
- Exhibitors, not their representatives, will be at the Festival during all show hours for the entire two days of the event. If the exhibitor is not present, their representative may be asked to leave without refund.
- All work shown will be displayed in a professional manner.
- All work shown will be original and the work of the registered exhibitor.
- Professional signage and chairs are required. No web or lawn chairs.
- Commercially produced prints may only be shown on one wall if clearly marked as prints, so as not to confuse the public.
- Booths will not be closed up, nor preparations made for close up, until after close of the Show daily.
- Exhibitors will immediately remove work not represented in jury images if asked to do so by the show director, or her representative, or will be asked to leave the show without refund.
- All tables will be covered to the ground and booths neatly maintained.
- All cars will be parked in designated area only (POLICE ORDER).
- Vehicles will be cleared from the Festival area 30 minutes prior to show opening.
- Cars may not re-enter the Festival area until “all clear” is given by Festival staff.
- An artist requesting a corner must either have the corner open or use the outside wall to display art.
- Artists ordering double space must use two tents.
- Artists will obtain and maintain such insurance coverages as it deems necessary to protect the artist and its property while participating at the Festival, or as required as a condition to participate in the Festival. None of the Festival Parties (as defined below) provide any insurance in connection with the Artists or their participation in the Show.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, the undersigned, and anyone claiming by or through the undersigned ( including its employees or agents), waives, releases, and forever discharges the Port Clinton Art Festival, City of Highland Park, Port Clinton Associates LLC, Port Clinton Associates LLC-600, Port Clinton Associates LLC-620, Management Marketing Services Inc., Amdur Productions Inc., and all co-sponsors, and their respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively the “Festival Parties”) from any claims, damages, liabilities, suits, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees (collectively “Losses”) that the undersigned may have in any manner relating to or arising from participation in the Festival, including but not limited to: (i) personal injury or property damage; (ii) cancellation of the Show; (iii) rules or regulations imposed by any of the Festival Parties.
The undersigned further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Festival Parties, jointly and severally, from any and all Losses incurred by or asserted against any of the Festival Parties at any time and as a result of the undersigned’s participation in the Festival, including but not limited to: (i) any acts or omission of the undersigned in connection with the Festival; or (ii) failure to comply with the Festival rules.
Call or email Amdur Productions
[email protected]